10 Cleaning Tips To Save Time

Reconciling work life and domestic obligations with a healthy social activity is very difficult today. Are you wanting to know cleaning tricks so you can have time for everything?

The pace of life is too fast, too demanding on us.

For this reason, we have decided to give you some tips in which you can support yourself to better manage your time at home  and enjoy your hobbies.

1. Plan yourself: start by applying cleaning tricks in common areas

harmonious home with cleaning tips

As in any other activity, you will be more efficient if you organize the cleaning tasks.

The rooms that we use most frequently are the first ones that we have to occupy.

By persisting in this, you will control the dust and speed up the process, as you will be working on clean surfaces.

Otherwise, the task will be complicated because dirt will accumulate.

2. Make the most of the night: disinfect cleaning utensils while you sleep

The chamois and scourers that we use also require maintenance but, unlike other objects, they do not need our work or presence, so it is best to put them in a bucket of water with disinfectant overnight.

When you do it this way, you will see that you will have saved hours with less effort, because by applying this strategy both dirt and grease are easily removed.

3. Avoid excess ornaments and pictures


Although it brings personality to our house, keep this in mind: the fewer ornaments you have, the less hours you will invest in beating the dust.

Without giving up the personality of your home, select the most precious and discard the rest.

In this sense, choose smooth materials and avoid rough surfaces, since in the latter it is very difficult to access the corners, and dust and dirt adhere more.

4. Order is priority

Cleanliness is also a sensation. Therefore, if we have everything out of place, we will not be able to enjoy it, even though we have cleaned for hours.

For this reason, having everything in its place is essential to manage housework.

The order is also necessary in the products and tools that we are going to use.

To get the most out of this aspect, the ideal is to have the instruments arranged so that we can access them easily.

It’s even a good idea to decide where to put them, taking into account their function.

5. Rationalize the furniture: bet on multifunctionality

Quick clean

Furniture beautifies our houses but remember that its main function is to make life easier for us.

So, make the most of these elements and make them your allies against clutter.

6. Protect your furniture: use covers

Covering furniture and accessories with covers or tablecloths is essential to optimize the cleaning period.

Think how easy it is to face an armchair if all you have to do is put the cover in the washing machine (and how difficult it is to brush it). These kinds of cleaning tricks are really helpful.

7. Clean the dust, do not move it

The general trend is to try to finish dry dust.

However, it is advisable to use a damp chamois so that it really catches the particles.

8. To clean badly is to clean twice

Speed ​​is not at odds with doing your homework well, quite the opposite.

We know that it is difficult to rub some surfaces, either because of their roughness, or because of their curved shape or because they have many corners.

Therefore, if we seek to streamline and simplify the cleaning process, you have at your disposal natural and chemical solutions that will be very useful to us.

9. Sharing is living

I walk to the beach after cleaning all together

When you live with other people, including children, you must share the task, since the benefits you seek also influence them.

If you are all part of the planning, you will enjoy more hours together.

Returning to the first advice, include the division of tasks in your planning and do it in a consensual way.

In this way, you will need few hours and you will gain quality of life.

10. Ecology is functional

Although we currently have a wide variety of cleaning products, many of them are highly polluting. With this in mind, we suggest you substitute some for salt or vinegar.

By doing so, in addition to saving time and looking after the environment, you will take care of your own health, taking into account that the chemical substances used in this sector are abrasive and toxic.

If you follow these ten cleaning tips as suggestions, we assure you that you will need less time to maintain your home in the condition you want, with the guarantee that you will enjoy a satisfactory family and social life.

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