12 Surprising Uses Of Cornstarch

Cornstarch, also known in the market as cornstarch, is a very popular product that is often used to make doughs, prepare desserts or thicken soups. However, due to its texture and versatility, in popular culture it has been given other uses in the home.

This ingredient is usually present in most of the cuisines of the world. Although it is not used every day, it can be used at any time for different recipes. In fact, as Wikipedia highlights , it is a basic ingredient for the preparation of doughs and desserts for people with celiac disease or with non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

However, putting aside its uses in gastronomy, we find that we can take advantage of it as a home remedy or product to facilitate cleaning. What are its alternative uses? In this space we detail the most interesting ones.

12 alternative uses for cornstarch

It is very important to clarify that these alternative applications of cornstarch come from anecdotal data that have been shared through different blogs, forums and pages on the Internet. In fact, there is no evidence to support that they are 100% effective.

However, this ingredient is generally safe to use and poses no health risks. Therefore, we share a compilation of those curious uses with which it can be used at home.

1. Soothe the rash

Although until long ago some health professionals advised against the use of cornmeal as a remedy to soothe a rash, there is now evidence to suggest that it is safe and effective.

A recent study published in the journal Pediatric Dermatology determined that cornstarch minimizes and protects against friction irritation, and does not increase yeast growth on human skin as previously thought.

  • To do this, simply rub a little of the product on the areas affected by the rash. Of course, before applying it, the area must be dry.
Helps soothe the rash

2. Oil stains on leather

Oil is a product that causes stains that are very difficult to remove, especially when the surface is made of leather. According to some people, applying a little starch to them and leaving it on overnight can help to remove them more easily.

  • The next morning, you just have to rub the product with a brush to remove the stain.

3. Thickening agent

Cornstarch is an ideal product to thicken sauces, desserts and other preparations. You just have to dilute the starch in a little water or milk, and incorporate it into the recipe. It can also be added directly, but this way lumps can remain.

4. Sunburn

Sunburns are very careful injuries, as they can leave scars and cause skin irritations. Depending on its severity, it is best to receive medical attention. However, if it is a mild case, we can prepare a remedy with cornstarch to calm the burning.

  • After cleaning the affected areas, apply a little cornstarch mixed in water. Let it act for at least 20 minutes and rinse.

    5. Oily skin

    The American Association of the Academy of Dermatology notes that oily skin can have clogged pores and acne. However, there are ingredients that help keep it clean to avoid these blemishes.

    Cornmeal, due to its texture and composition, serves as a gentle exfoliant to remove excess sebum production. Plus, it is non-irritating to the skin and leaves it feeling smooth.

    • Simply rub the flour diluted in water on the most affected parts (such as the T-zone of the face). It is left to act for 15 to 20 minutes and, finally, it is rinsed.
    Cornstarch helps improve the appearance of oily skin

    6. Ink stains

    Ink stains seem to be the end of a garment or any other surface, since it is made up of chemicals that are very difficult to remove. Some suggest that a cornstarch and milk paste can help fix it.

    • Simply apply it to the affected area, let it dry and brush to facilitate its removal.

    7. Athlete’s foot

    There is no evidence to support the use of cornstarch as an ally against athlete’s foot. However, it is a very popular DIY remedy. Apparently, its benefits are due to its ability to absorb excess moisture from the area and reduce itching.

    • You just have to apply it dry on the feet, or introduce it into the footwear.

    Note: Athlete’s foot, being an infection, requires medical attention. You may need antifungal treatment to fix it.

    8. Oily hair

    With oily hair it is the same as with skin, there are many factors involved. However, some external use remedies can help control it temporarily. According to those who have tried cornstarch, this ingredient helps remove oily residue from the scalp.

    • Simply apply a little cornstarch and leave it to act for 30 minutes. To facilitate its application, the ideal is to prepare a starch paste with water and rub it all over the scalp.
      Corn starch for hair

      9. Untangle knots

      We know that rope knots or cords can be very difficult to undo. However, there seems to be a solution: rub them with a little cornstarch. After doing this, untangling them will be much easier.

      10. Brighten the silver

      Today there are many commercial products that help bring silver back to shine in a matter of minutes. However, an alternative way to do this is by rubbing the items with a paste made from cornstarch.

      • It is enough to polish a little with a cloth after allowing the paste to act for about 10 minutes.

      11. Clean up grease splashes

      Another way to use this ingredient in the kitchen is as a cleaning ally for those grease splashes on the stove and walls. 

      • To do this, you just have to sprinkle the cornstarch on a soft cloth and rub the grease stain until it disappears.

      12. Pet cleaning

      Some suggest that cornstarch can be used as a dry toilet for pets. It does not cause unwanted effects on the animal and it is easy to apply. Of course, we advise having it as an option only in specific cases.

      • The product should only be sprinkled on the animal’s hair and rubbed with a brush to remove dirt.

      Cornstarch is a versatile ingredient

      Beyond its traditional uses in the kitchen, cornstarch or cornstarch is an ingredient that can be helpful in other household tasks. Of course, given the lack of evidence, some of these tricks are likely to fail. However, since they are safe, we can test them without inconvenience.

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