3 Indicators That Indicate A Lack Of Protein In The Diet

Did you know that your chronic fatigue and hair loss may be due to a lack of nutrients? If this is your case, go to a nutritionist to rule out important deficiencies

Food is one of the most important factors in human development. Such is its relevance in the body that the energy performance that we will have on a day-to-day basis depends on it.

Therefore, it could be said that food is the fuel of the body.  Therefore, their quality directly influences our health.

Within this practice, relevant compounds such as carbohydrates, lipids and proteins stand out. In this article we will talk about this last group.

The importance of proteins in the diet

proteinIn today’s society, nutritional imbalance is usually common. In some cases there are excessive intakes of protein; However, due to these bad eating habits,  a deficit of this important compound can also occur.

In that order of ideas, it is necessary to know what role proteins play in the body and what is their true relevance:

  • They provide approximately 15% of the total energy value.
  • They contribute to the formation of bones, muscles, nails, skin and hair.
  • They produce antibodies, therefore helping to treat infections.
  • They help the weight loss process, thanks to muscle strengthening.
  • They participate in the production of red blood cells and enzymes.
  • They play an important role in the homeostasis of the organism, specifically, of the water present within it.

Signs that indicate protein deficit in the diet

Taking into account the important processes in which proteins are immersed, we must know what are the main indicators of their absence in the diet.

In case of presenting any of the following signs, it is best to see a health professional (specifically a nutritionist). This will prescribe a good treatment and also a proper diet.

1. Get sick more easily

Sore throat remedy

Of course, the first system to respond to a health threat is the immune system. This is linked to proteins in a fairly broad way.

When this powerful nutrient is not ingested in the diet, it is most likely a deficit of antibodies: these are structures made up of proteins.

For this reason, diseases take advantage of this imbalance to start making their own throughout the body.

2. Decrease in muscle mass

One of the most relevant and common functions of protein is muscle building. If you go to the gym, one of the first recommendations they will give you will be to increase your intake in the diet to achieve the goal more quickly.

Therefore, if you show muscle weakness, gradually, it is possible that there is a problem in terms of the intake of this nutrient in the diet.

Moderate protein intake can help the condition decrease significantly. Keep in mind that it will not be effective in its entirety, if you suffer from a chronic degenerative disease.

This weakening also brings negative repercussions in terms of health. Injuries and cramps are the first to appear. They especially appear on both the upper and lower extremities.

3. Chronic tiredness

chronic-tiredness.  feeding

Also known as fatigue, chronic tiredness, according to studies, is one of the main indicators of insufficient protein in the diet.

It is characterized by the inability of the body to carry out ordinary activities, which can be done at any time. In general terms, it is exhaustion for no apparent reason, which usually worries those who suffer from it.

4. Skin problems

The cutaneous tissues responsible for composing the surface of the skin require a large number of nutrients to fulfill their basic tasks. Among these, protein stands out.

When a deficiency of this type occurs, the skin has difficulties in creating collagen, keratin and elastins. These are essential in everything related to resistance, elasticity and hydration of it.

In this vein, hair is also greatly affected; hair follicles, made up of proteins, are the most affected. This hampers the growth process, as well as the strength and endurance of each strand.

Finally, not satisfying this nutrient in the diet also favors the appearance of wrinkles and expression lines on the face.

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