3 Types Of Eggs That You Should Also Try: Discover Them!

As you already know, one of the most basic foods in our day to day and which we should not give up is eggs. But, did you know that there are other types of eggs apart from chicken ones?

In general, eggs are rich in protein, essential amino acids, vitamins and antioxidants. They represent that healthy option in our breakfasts or dinners that the whole family likes so much.

Now, apart from the ones we usually eat more frequently, there are also goose, quail and duck eggs. These are more protein and can become a real delicacy in our meals.

Do you accompany us to learn about them?

3 types of eggs you should try too

1. Quail eggs, source of vitamins

Have you tried them? They are small but much more nutritious than chicken eggs (up to four times more) according to experts. In fact, they contain 13 percent protein, compared to 11 percent of what we consume on a regular basis.

Quail eggs are very healthy, especially because of their high content of vitamin B1, essential to promote our heart and brain health. Take note now of what quail eggs can do for you.

They protect our hearts

  • Like chicken eggs, quail eggs are rich in Omega 3 and selenium. However, to this we must add its high amount of vitamin A, D and B complex vitamins. Consuming omega 3 fatty acids on a regular basis reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease according to the latest studies.
  • All this makes them act as good protectors of the cardiovascular system, helping us to reduce triglyceride levels and regulate blood pressure.

    They are good for hypertensive

    • The healthy fats present in quail eggs can also help us regulate blood pressure and improve the elasticity of the arteries.
    • Now, the key is in balance. We can consume, for example,  between 4 and 6 quail eggs a week (remember that they are very small).

    For whom are quail eggs suitable?

    These types of eggs are very suitable for children. And also for those people who need calcium and vitamin A supplements.

    2. Duck eggs to strengthen our immune system

    Types of eggs: duck

    Duck eggs are very nutritious and high in calories. They are also very protein. You will like to know that a single egg can provide us with up to 20% of the recommended daily protein intake.

    They are rich in vitamin D

    As you already know, vitamin D is essential to provide strength to our bones and to allow cells and proteins to be synthesized. And not only that. Thanks to this vitamin we can  take care of our immune system.

    On the other hand, maintaining adequate levels of this vitamin could be related to the prevention of complex diseases in the medium and long term according to science.

    They strengthen your heart and brain health

    • Duck eggs have a high content of B vitamins and amino acids, essential to promote the maintenance of the myelin envelope of nerve cells and thus improve nerve impulse and the synthesis of neurotransmitters.
    • Another interesting fact is that they have a very adequate level of vitamin B9, a necessary element for the formation of red blood cells and the synthesis of DNA, RNA and proteins.
    • They are very rich in retinol. According to experts, it is a powerful antioxidant that helps us prevent cellular aging and improve our eyesight. In addition, it is an excellent ally to strengthen the immune system and reduce the chances of suffering heart attacks.

      For whom are duck eggs suitable?

      They are one of the most nutritious types of eggs you can find. However, we must bear in mind that they are rich in fatty acids. You can have between 2 or 3 duck eggs per week.

      If you are a person who needs to increase their energy, you are convalescing or you are pregnant, for example, you can increase the intake of these types of eggs, given their high protein content.

      3. Goose eggs, good to cover our iron deficiencies

      Egg types: goose

      Currently, goose eggs are that example of ecological and organic agriculture that is so healthy in our kitchen. They are large and with a large amount of yolk and white that give your dishes a very intense flavor.

      Given their size, it is important to know that we must consume them in a balanced way and not every day. However, they are very healthy in case, for example, we have anemia. 

      They have a high content of protein, as well as unsaturated fatty acids and great antioxidant properties. All this makes this product an extraordinarily healthy food.

      We are talking about very nutritious eggs from the point of view of micronutrients according to the following study. Take note of the value of the minerals you can find in a goose egg:

      • Calcium: 60 mg
      • Iron: 3.64 mg
      • Magnesium: 16 mg
      • Phosphorus: 208 mg
      • Potassium: 210 mg
      • Sodium: 138 mg
      • Zinc: 1.33 mg
      • Copper: 0.062 mg
      • Manganese: 0.038 mg
      • Selenium: 0.0369 mg

      To keep in mind!

      These types of eggs are very healthy and, above all, nutritious. However, as with chicken eggs, it will always be appropriate to consume them in moderation.

      We must be especially careful with goose eggs, given their size.

      On the other hand, I remind you that today you will find organic eggs that, despite being a little more expensive, are always healthier.

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