4 Home Infusions To Treat Constipation

When we suffer from constipation problems,  our intestines have difficulties to carry out each evacuation. This can be due to different causes.

If it is not resolved early, the feeling of discomfort becomes intolerable. Also, symptoms such as abdominal pain and chills increase. However, there are many of the homemade infusions to treat constipation.

These achieve a viable intestinal transit and immediately improve symptoms in a completely natural way and with quick benefits.

Homemade infusions provide us with quick relief and improve intestinal transit.

After all, they favor evacuation (at least twice a day). In turn, they improve the consistency of the stool, which resembles that of a person free of constipation. Eating a good amount of fluids plus a diet rich in fiber is the essence to start optimizing the digestive canal.

In this way we promote their complete hydration and avoid difficulties in defecation.

What ingredients are the best in herbal teas to treat constipation?

  • Flax seeds
  • Oatmeal
  • Mallow
  • Green Tea

treat constipation

1. Flax seeds

Also known as flaxseed, they have an excellent cleansing effect on the intestinal tract, since they improve motility and help the excretion of feces easily.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of flaxseed (10 g)


  • First heat the water in a pot and once it reaches a boiling point, transfer it to a cup and add a tablespoon of flaxseed.
  • Then let it sit for 6 minutes before straining it and drinking it.

    Consumption mode

    • Take 2 servings a day, before breakfast and dinner.

    If you are constant with this remedy you will be able to perceive its stimulating effects in a matter of a few days.

    2. Oats

    treat constipation

    It is an excellent cereal to combat and even to prevent episodes of constipation. It is one of the foods that you can not miss in your day to day. In fact, it almost immediately improves the consistency of the stool and allows greater fluidity throughout the anatomy of the colon.


    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
    • 2 tablespoons of oat bran (20 g)


    • First, heat the water in a pot, and when it comes to a boil, transfer it to a cup and add the oats. After it has heated up, pour it over a medium cup and add a couple of tablespoons of oat bran.
    • Cover the cup and wait 6 minutes for the bran to settle and extract all its substance.
    • Proceed to strain it and consume it preferably in the morning.
    • It is not recommended for children under 2 years of age.

    3. Mallow

    Mallow is a herb that you can find on the roadsides and in country houses. Certainly, it is one of the best options to make homemade infusions to treat constipation. Its purifying properties help hydrate the colon and improve the excretion system.


    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
    • 2 tablespoons of mallow (20 g)


    • First, heat the water, and when it comes to a boil add the mallow. Then allow it to infuse for about 7 minutes.
    • If you want, you can multiply the amounts and make enough to also take it in the afternoon and at night.

    To obtain the desired effects, it is recommended to consume it 3 times a day, after each meal. In this way we will be able to improve excretion and purify toxins in a few days.


    4. Green tea

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    Among the medicinal herbs, green tea  is one of the most used to treat constipation.

    You can easily make it at home, with natural grass or opt for the sachets that they sell in the markets. In addition, it is very suitable for losing weight and fighting fluid retention. Consume a cup of green tea 2 times a day and you will see the changes.


    • 1 cup of water (250g)
    • 1 sachet of green tea (5g)


    • Heat the water and add the green tea envelope. If you wish, you can also add olive or aloe vera to obtain greater benefits in restoring the motility of the digestive system.
    • When it comes to a boil, let the decoction take place for 5 minutes.
    • Finally, remove the green tea so that it does not become bitter and proceed to drink it.

      The recommended dose is two cups per day. Consume them before 2 main meals (breakfast and lunch, or lunch and dinner). You will see how in the following days it will be easier to evacuate.


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