6 Incredible Benefits Of Rooibos Tea For Your Health

Have you heard of rooibos tea? It is a red tea from South Africa and extracted from  camellia sinensis.

We are not talking about the common red variety that we are used to and which takes its color from flavinoids.

The red color of rooibos tea is due to the fact that it undergoes a fermentation process, after which it is suitable to be taken as an infusion, either hot or cold.

Rooibos tea  does not contain theine, so it is not a stimulant of the nerves and rather helps to relax the body and fall asleep.

Rooibos tea benefits

1. Antioxidant


This tea is rich in antioxidants, among which chrysoeriol stands out. The properties of it are surprising.

  • On the one hand, it helps us reduce cholesterol, in a way that benefits blood circulation.
  • It could help slow down the aging of the body.
  • Thanks to the elimination of free radicals, we can boast of clean and smooth skin.
  • Also, our muscles and organs will take longer to notice the effects of the passage of time, if we take it frequently.

2. Helps against arterial diseases and diabetes

A study from the University of Korea concluded that Chrysoeriol and Nothofagin, both present in rooibos tea, help reduce arterial inflammation.

The same study relates arterial inflation to diseases such as atherosclerosis and diabetes, so the consumption of this tea would help alleviate its effects.

At the same time, Aspalitin, which is also found in rooibos, reduces blood glucose and glucose intolerance that affects diabetics, according to studies from the University of Tokyo.

3. Diuretic and laxative

Considered a mild laxative, when we use it regularly, we cleanse our intestines, which is essential for maintaining blood quality.

Obviously, this is also where the benefits of rooibos tea are derived: it helps us lose weight. By eliminating much of what hurts us, the scale begins to notice it.

If you tend to retain fluids, this is your tea. You will notice that the swelling and ailments such as restless leg syndrome will be greatly alleviated.

4. Antibacterial


Do you remember what we said about antioxidants? Well, another of its consequences is to strengthen the immune system.

Therefore, we advise you to drink rooibos tea during seasonal changes. At this time, the body is more vulnerable, so it needs nutritional supplements like this one.

Thus, the chances of suffering from colds, flu, laryngitis and other similar ailments are significantly reduced.

5. Helps you take care of your teeth and bones

It has powerful minerals, such as calcium, fluoride, and magnesium. All of them have a strong impact on the health of the bone system. In addition, it optimizes their absorption in other foods.

In this sense, if we combine two of the benefits of rooibos tea, the antibacterial and the presence of minerals, we understand that it is a great ally to fight against tooth decay and gingivitis.

6. Control stress, one of the most sought after benefits of rooibos tea

Manage stress

At first we said that it does not have theine. However, its properties in this regard go much further, since magnesium promotes deep sleep. Consequently, it helps you rest better.

When we talk about sleeping, we usually think in hours. However, time is as important as its quality.

Have you ever had a great feeling of fatigue after waking up? In stressed people it is very common. Rooibos tea is perfect to help improve this problem.

7. Anti-wrinkle

Rooibos tea may help prevent wrinkles because of its moisturizing ability.

A study done in Thailand showed that people who consumed rooibos tea for 28 days increased the moisture in the skin by 9.9%, which prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

8. Promotes concentration

This benefit is the direct consequence of all the previous ones. When you have slept well, you feel light and strong, you are much more apt to work.

Your attitude towards work is more positive and you understand everything better.

We will not only feel better on a professional level. We will also cope more easily outside of it.

Our attitude varies greatly when we feel satisfied in our professional life. Therefore, after finishing, our personal relationships will be enriched.

Of course, all these benefits of rooibos tea have to be accompanied by healthy habits, both in diet and physical exercise.

If you take care of them both, this drink becomes one of the best travel companions in the search for well-being.

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