7 Consequences Of Sleeping Little

If we are used to sleeping little it is likely that we will notice the consequences in our concentration levels, and even in our skin, that it will show wrinkles prematurely

How well would you say you sleep? Do you think your sleeping habits are correct? Have you ever wondered what are the consequences of sleeping little?

Many times, work and the rest of our daily activities make us skip or reduce sleep hours.

It almost seems that this is the most normal thing in the world, and there are those who no longer pay attention to it.

But, most people forget that sleep is just as important as eating, hydrating and resting.

And no, rest and sleep are not the same . Since you can rest watching television or reading a book, but you’re not sleeping.

Read on and discover the consequences of getting little sleep. Then change your habits if you now sleep less than you should and do not want to see these negative effects.

High anxiety levels

Avoid stress and anxiety

When you sleep, your body repairs itself and eliminates muscle tension caused by the stress of the day.

Therefore, one of the consequences of sleeping little is that stress accumulates and doubles. This makes it more difficult to face the challenges of the next day.

The connection of the body with the mind is very intense so, if you do not repair stress through adequate sleep, it manifests as anxiety.

Anxiety can also be caused by a chronic release of adrenaline, common in those who get little sleep each night.

Therefore, try to sleep well and for several hours during the night.


Another consequence of poor sleep is depression, since lack of sleep interferes with our neurotransmitters.

Ultimately, this can lead to a decrease in the synapse between the neurons that regulate your mood.

Thus, Whenever you feel a little down or bad, think about how many hours you slept . You may discover that it is not that your life is going badly, but that you lacked proper sleep.

Lack of concentration

Trouble concentrating

Believe it or not, sleeping directly interferes with thinking and learning, so one of the consequences of little sleep is damage to these cognitive processes.

When you haven’t slept for at least 7 hours, your attention, alertness, reasoning and the way you solve problems are seriously affected.

This makes the learning process almost zero.

Also, sleep cycles play an important role in reinforcing memories in the mind. So if you don’t sleep the right hours, you won’t be able to remember what you learned.

Obesity and blood pressure problems

Melatonin regulates the hormones that make you feel hungry (ghrelin) or satiety (leptin).

  • When we sleep less, ghrelin levels increase and leptin levels decrease. This creates the perfect setting for weight gain and obesity.
  • Also, people who don’t sleep properly are less likely to exercise because they are too tired. They are also more likely to eat foods high in saturated fat and sugar.

If the above do not seem quite undesirable consequences of sleeping little, you should know your cardiovascular health also weakens .

Sleeping for just 5 to 6 hours a night increases blood pressure. Sleep controls stress hormones which, in turn, regulate and ensure healthy blood pressure.

Immune system problems


When you sleep, your immune system produces protective cytokines, antibodies, and cells that fight infection. This is necessary to fight foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses.

One of the consequences of little sleep is that your immune system does not have the opportunity to regain its strength and vitality. .

If you don’t get enough sleep, your body is more likely to be unable to defend itself against infection, and therefore, you will get sick frequently.

Long-term sleep deprivation increases the risk of developing chronic ailments such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Premature aging of the skin

Another consequence of sleeping little is the dark circles that appear under the eyes. When you don’t sleep for at least 6 hours, cortisol, the stress hormone, is released in large amounts.

Women who sleep poorly or poorly often show signs of premature aging such as wrinkles.

Cortisol in large amounts can break down collagen, so your skin will stop looking elastic, healthy, and smooth.

If you want your skin to be healthy but you are not getting results from creams and treatments, it may be a good idea to sleep before 10 at night.

Remember that the period in which the skin regenerates is from 10 at night to 2 in the morning.

Avoid the consequences of sleeping little

If you are one of the people who sleep little, you may have identified with these consequences.

In case you are already dealing with some of these issues, improve your habits . Maybe that’s all you need.

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