7 Foods Rich In Phosphorus

The human diet needs a balance between those nutrients that provide energy and those that do not. Among those that do not, are the minerals. Its functions are as important as those of the macronutrients and, especially phosphorus, which intervenes in the metabolic process to obtain energy.

Other important functions of phosphorus are structural. For example, 85% of what is ingested is to form part of bones, teeth, muscles, liver and skin.  It is common to get it accompanied by calcium. Although, among those that contain the most are foods of plant origin, such as seeds and grains.

Foods rich in phosphorus

Foods of animal origin also provide the mineral, such as eggs and chicken. Here we will give you a detailed list of foods rich in phosphorus and their benefits.

1. Sunflower seeds

100 grams of sunflower seeds contain 660 milligrams% phosphorus. In addition, they have other minerals, such as potassium and magnesium. The way in which they are consumed can increase the amount of phosphorus that is provided significantly.

If you roast or roast it and add salt to it, you will be consuming 1,155 milligrams%. On the other hand, if you eat them as partially defatted flour, you will barely consume 689 milligrams%.

If necessary, you can subtract the added salt to decrease sodium in the diet. So you just need to grill or toast it. In order to enjoy its benefits and include them in a healthy diet, prepare lettuce or fruit salads, with smoothies, juices and even pasta.

2. Eggs

In the case of eggs, you can get 220 milligrams of phosphorus. 22% of the recommended daily value for the average adult. The egg yolk will give you a little more phosphorus, approximately 390 milligrams%.

But if you eat it alone, then you must be careful with the cholesterol to ingest, since it contributes about 1000 milligrams%. The National Institute of Health indicates that the average adult, after the age of 19, should consume 700 milligrams of phosphorus.

In the case of the egg, there are several delicious recipes that include it. But always the best option is to eat it without too much fat and in the healthiest way, so you can make it cooked and accompany it with a good raw salad.

Eggs in the diet to obtain phosphorus.

3. Whole wheat bread

Whole wheat bread provides 212 milligrams of phosphorus, compared to white bread that only provides 87 milligrams. The difference is that to make the whole wheat flour is used with the bran and not for the white. Bran is rich in fiber and the highest amount of phosphorus is concentrated here, as well as other minerals.

If you prefer, you can add wheat bran to your juices and soups to increase the insoluble fiber and phosphorous found in the form of phytate. In 100 grams of wheat bran you can get 1013 milligrams% of phosphorus. 

Whole wheat bread can be included in the diet with butter on tasty toasts, accompanied by a natural juice. Also, you can put eggs on your plate or fruits.

4. Soy

According to the Argentine Nutrition Society, soy is one of the most complete legumes from a nutritional point of view. Not only for its high protein content of almost 40%, but also for vitamins and minerals, among which phosphorus stands out with about 700 milligrams%. Other legumes such as red or black beans contain 400 milligrams% phosphorus.

So-called powdered soy milk provides a little more (717 milligrams%) and defatted soy flour contains less (593 milligrams%). Depending on the ingredients you add, you can increase the concentration in the diet.

If you prepare a soy milk shake with oats and bananas, you can increase the phosphorus intake by 1240 milligrams%. Any other cereal, like pearl barley or brown rice, also increases the ratio.

To improve the absorption of phosphorus in soybeans and reduce antinutrients, you can follow these recommendations:

  • Soak the grain for 8 to 12 hours.
  • Cook it well until it softens.
  • Germinate it for 3 days at room temperature and in the dark.
  • Ferment it for 2 days naturally with its own wild flora and then cook it.

5. Ready-to-eat roasted wheat germ

This ready-to-eat cereal makes an important contribution of phosphorus in the diet, with 1146 milligrams%, covering 115% of the recommended daily value. In addition, you can also get 10% polyunsaturated fat of the omega 3 type, 30% protein and almost 16% fiber. By combining it with milk, for example, you can increase the proportion of the essential amino acid lysine, which is lacking in cereal protein.

6. Cheese

Depending on the type of cheese you eat, it will have more or less phosphorus. In the case of American cheese, it contains 827 milligrams of phosphorus. Compared to fat-free mozzarella , which contains 656 milligrams.

To consume it you can include it as a companion to whole wheat bread or combined with a legume. It is also possible to add it to the eggs, if you prefer.

7. Sardine

Sardines contain 490 milligrams of phosphorus. Being, among the fish, the ones that possess it the most. In fact, they can contribute 20% of what is required by the body. They are the perfect accompaniment to rice and it is possible to prepare them in the oven, made into croquettes or with tomato.

Various sardines.

Importance of phosphorus in the human body

Phosphorus is necessary to produce energy. It is one of the three essential minerals for the proper functioning of the body. In fact, it is in 98% of the mineral content of the human being.

We can find it in the structure of DNA and it works as an energy store for cells. But it doesn’t stop there. It also regulates proteins and constituents of cell membranes. Other important functions is that, together with calcium, they provide resistance to bones and teeth.

How much phosphorus should I consume?

Depending on the stage of life you go through, you should consume a certain amount of phosphorus per day. From birth to 6 months it is 100 milligrams, but from that age to one year we go up to 275 milligrams.

From then until the age of 4, 500 milligrams are required. From 9 to 18 years old we amount to 1,250 milligrams daily. Finally, from 19 and lactating women should consume 700 milligrams.

So it is important to eat an adequate and balanced diet with a regular intake of phosphorus. This is one of the essential minerals for life.

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