7 Golden Rules That You Will Have To Respect If You Want To Lose Weight

When it comes to losing weight, it is important to improve your lifestyle, especially when it comes to diet. Although it is important to receive a personalized plan, there are some rules that can be applied in general. Discover them!

Until not long ago, the ambition to lose weight was based on the desire to show off a slimmer and more toned body; However, after finding that overweight and obesity are direct causes of serious diseases, many have made it a priority.

Today, there are a number of methods and routines that help you lose weight without having to subject your body to dangerous eating plans or intense physical regimens.

However, this is a difficult process that can only be accomplished when carried out with discipline and consistency. The fact that many people fail in their attempt to reach a stable weight is an indication that they are doing the wrong thing.

For this reason, when trying to lose weight, it is best to seek care with the doctor or endocrinologist and, thus, determine an individualized plan. Also, in general, there are some rules that must be respected. We detail them below.

1. A balanced diet is essential to lose weight

The adoption of a varied, balanced and moderate diet is one of the most important aspects when losing weight, as detailed in this report from the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Under no circumstances should proteins, carbohydrates or fats be suppressed, as some usually do. On the contrary, you have to try to make balanced meals in these macronutrients. The key is knowing how to choose healthy foods, such as:

  • Whole grains.
  • Vegetables and fruits.
  • Lean meats
  • Seeds and nuts.
  • Olive oil.
  • Low-fat dairy.

Likewise, it is convenient to structure a weekly meal plan that helps guarantee a complete and appropriate diet. One of the aspects that have to be taken into account is that the portions should be divided for 5 or 6 times a day, that is, to eat every 2 or 3 hours.

This ensures that the metabolism and insulin secretion are constant, which leads to higher energy expenditure and increased feelings of satiety.

A balanced diet is essential to lose weight

2. Drink plenty of water every day

Instead of consuming carbonated drinks or commercial juices, you should increase your consumption of water or low-calorie natural liquids, such as tea.

As this Mayo Clinic report suggests, while 6 to 8 glasses of water a day is often recommended, for some people this may not be enough. Either way, it will depend on the needs of each person.

What is sought with fluid intake is to  support the function of metabolism and promote the elimination of waste from the body. This, together with the fiber, will be decisive to increase the feeling of satiety and, in this way, limit the daily caloric intake.

3. Include crucifers in the diet to lose weight

Cruciferous vegetables are very low in calories. They contain fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, which makes them a food with highly recommended nutritional properties for a healthy and balanced diet.

As if that were not enough, they also have benefits on the heart, since, according to this study prepared by Dr. Pedreros from the National University of Colombia, they could contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular problems.

Some of these are:

  • Cabbages.
  • The cabbage.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Broccoli.
  • Brussels sprouts.

4. Include food supplements

Dietary supplements should not be confused with commercial diet pills or products. The former refer to  those ingredients whose nutrients support the diet to give a “boost” to the metabolism.

Such is the case of fiber, which, as this study carried out by a team from Curtin University (Australia) explains, is one of the supplements that promote weight loss by promoting a feeling of satiety and good digestion.

Some of the foods that contain the most fiber are, according to this report from the US National Library of Medicine:

  • Potatoes
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Vegetables such as beets or squash
  • Whole grains
Include food supplements

5. Choose low calorie snacks

No matter how hard you try to avoid cravings, that feeling of wanting to eat a snack between meals will always appear. But who said that these should be a source of calories?

On the market there are many products that can be used to replace snacks rich in fats and sugars. Also, as a 2016 publication in Advanced Nutrition magazine points out , consuming healthy snacks helps promote satiety and appetite control, helping against obesity.

Lean cheeses, vegetables, and whole grains are perfect for low-calorie snacks. Of course, the portions must be moderate.

6. Exercise to lose weight

As much as you try to avoid it by making excuses, exercise ranks high among the rules for weight loss. This is the best supplement for the diet, not only because it increases the number of calories burned, but because it helps to tone and shape the body.

This is detailed in this study carried out by a team from the Universidad de La Frontera in Temuco (Chile), which suggests, above all, high intensity physical activity. However, any form of exercise helps, and for sedentary people, it’s best to start gradually.

In fact, if possible, the ideal is that you consult with a professional trainer to do a routine according to your physical capacity. Once you increase your stamina and fitness, then you can start with more demanding routines.

eye! Do not fool yourself

There is no doubt that genetic factors and some diseases significantly influence weight gain or obesity. However, that does not mean that it cannot be controlled through daily practice of healthy routines.

Thinking that you will never lose weight is the first step toward failure. Although the results take time to become noticeable, at some point they will begin to become apparent. Be patient!

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