8 Keys To Fight Sadness And Discouragement Naturally

In addition to asking for professional help, you can follow these 8 tips to improve your mood naturally to combat sadness and discouragement.

1. Food against sadness and discouragement

For starters, foods that contain fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals can help us regulate the nervous system naturally.

Therefore, it is important to consume them on a regular basis, since some nutritional deficits are also related to states of sadness and depression. 

You can include the following foods in your regular diet:

  • Green leafy vegetables.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Legumes: chickpeas and black beans.
  • Nuts: walnuts, almonds and pine nuts.
  • Sunflower and flax seeds.
  • Avocado.
  • Tangerine.
  • Chestnut.
  • Sardine.
  • Egg.

2. Do sports every week

Sport not only helps us to be in shape, to lose weight or to gain muscle. It is also essential to maintain a good mood, especially for those who have very sedentary routines. This is stated in this study from the National Library of Medicine of the United States.

After doing medium intensity physical exercise, we secrete serotonin, known as the happiness hormone, which makes us feel joy and well-being.

3. Take refuge in nature



Certainly, life in urban environments has made us move away from nature, which has balancing effects on our body.

Imagine: the contact with the land or the sea, the rays of the sun, the smell of earth or rain, the colors of the mountains, etc. All these elements give us serenity and harmony and are very necessary for those who live in cities.

At least one getaway during the weekend is recommended to combat sadness and discouragement and recharge us with energy for the whole week.

4. Chromotherapy


The colors we wear and we owe ourselves to have therapeutic functions on our body. In fact, when choosing one color or another, we already do it according to our mood.

It is convenient to avoid black, gray and brown tones and opt for the following:

  • Green: very balancing, it produces effects like when we are in nature.
  • Violet:  spiritual and relaxing, suitable for states of meditation.
  • Blue: very relaxing, suitable only for when our sadness is related to states of stress.
  • Orange:  color full of energy that gives us joy and vitality, as well as stimulating creativity.
  • Red:  energy and passion, ideal to use without overdoing it, as it could provoke states of anger.

    5. Enjoy antidepressant scents

    Aromas also influence our nervous system. A good option is essential oils, with which we can perfume ourselves, or we can dilute them in aromatic diffusers.

    These essential oils support a positive mood:

    • Citrus This study carried out by the Federal University of PiauĂ­ emphasizes this.
    • Basil.
    • Marjoram. This is stated in this research carried out by the Islamic Azad University (Iran).
    • Sandalwood. As suggested by this research carried out by the Bharathiar University (India).
    • Rosemary. This is stated in this study carried out by Kunming Medical University.

    6. Take Bach flowers

    Bach flowers are believed to be a natural remedy for balancing emotions without risk of dependency, contraindications, or side effects. However, there is no type of scientific evidence to support these supposed benefits.

    Here are the most common ones:

    • Wild oat (wild oat): when it is difficult for us to find a goal or meaning in our life.
    • Mustard (mustard): depression of which we do not know the cause.
    • Gentian (field gentian): depression caused by external things that we do know.
    • Sweet chestnut : for states of anguish, with a tendency to cry.
    • Star of Bethlehem (chicken milk): after a grieving situation.
    • Wild rose (wild rose or rose hip): can help us overcome apathy.
    • Gorse (gorse): for people with a lot of hopelessness and pessimism.

    7. Direct your gaze well?

    It is believed that the movements we make with our eyes also influence our nervous system.

    For example, always looking down can lead to states of depression, while looking up promotes optimism and well-being. However, there is no evidence to support this claim.

    8. Show gratitude

    Finally, another tip to overcome sadness and melancholy is to  propose to be better people, try to give more than receive,  show ourselves grateful to everyone.

    Striving every day to be a little better can make us feel better about ourselves and enter a circle of positivity.

    These tips can help you deal with sadness and discouragement naturally. However, it is advisable to also go to a health specialist.

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