Veiled Labor: How Does This Phenomenon Occur?

Veiled labor is a fascinating phenomenon that many liken to a birth outside the womb. In fact, there are many cultures that attribute magical properties to this event.

Veiled delivery is a very rare phenomenon and occurs when a baby is born with the amniotic sac intact, that is, without rupturing. This is estimated to only occur in 1 in 80,000 births, and in popular belief it is a symbol of good luck.

The amniotic sac is a fluid-filled sac in which the fetus lodges and completes its development. The usual thing is that at the time of delivery it is torn and what is known as breaking water or breaking water occurs . In veiled labor this does not happen.

From a medical point of view it only has an anecdotal meaning, although it is very striking because it is rare. The baby is born as if it were in a balloon or a bubble filled with water without this having any consequences for its health.

What Causes a Veiled Birth?

The amniotic sac is made of very fine tissue, which is why it most often ruptures when labor begins. Many times the contractions of the uterus cause it to tear. It is then when the liquid comes out and it is said that the mother broke the water .

However, sometimes the amniotic sac ruptures before the contractions appear or does not, even after they have started and progressed. For medicine, veiled childbirth is just a coincidence, a rarity of biology without any implication.

On many occasions it is the doctor or midwife who tears the tissue of the amniotic sac. It is a measure to be taken when labor stops and does not advance. That said, if there is no clinical indication, it is not convenient to break the amniotic sac artificially.

It is important to clarify that a veiled delivery is not the same as a veiled baby. In the latter case, what happens is that a small part of the sac comes off and sticks to the baby’s face or head. Sometimes it even reaches up to the shoulders and chest.

Fetus in the womb.

Are there any risks or benefits?

During labor, the pressure inside the uterus increases as a result of contractions. When the amniotic sac remains intact, the pressure or force is distributed in a more regular way. This makes both mother and child better tolerate contractions.

On the other hand, if the amniotic sac does not break, there is no compression of the umbilical cord. This makes the baby’s heart rate more stable. Generally speaking, veiled labor tends to be calmer. It is as if the baby came into the world preserving the conditions of the mother’s womb.

Despite all that has been said, it is not recommended that you seek to preserve the amniotic sac due to these possible benefits. In each case the doctors will decide what to do. The fact that these types of births are so rare has led to countless legends being woven around them.

In many cultures, veiled childbirth is believed to be a kind of miracle. Sometimes it is even said that the child was born with the mantle of the Virgin . Likewise, he is awarded special powers or a life full of fortune is predicted.

What happens after veiled delivery?

The veiled delivery does not have great differences with the traditional one. The main one is that there is no source break, but otherwise the characteristics are very similar. Once the baby is completely out of the uterus, the doctor or midwife will make a soft incision in the amniotic sac.

What happens immediately is that all the liquid contained there comes out. Many compare this situation to the rupture of a balloon that is filled with water. The membrane is going to shrink a bit. The person in charge will verify that the nostrils are free so that the baby begins to breathe.

In some cases there is no need to break the amniotic sac, as the baby may move and tear the tissue himself. It’s like visualizing labor outside the womb, which is wonderful.

In the end, the membrane is removed from the baby’s skin very carefully. If done abruptly, the newborn’s epidermis may be injured. In some cases, the tissue is preserved and given to the parents, but it is not mandatory to do so.

Natural delivery versus veiled delivery.

A risk-free rarity

It is very common for situations that are out of the ordinary to end up being explained in a magical way. Veiled childbirth is no exception and that is why there are many myths and legends surrounding this event.

From a medical point of view, these kinds of births are a wonderful way. Those who contemplate it feel lucky. Perhaps the miracle is that: being able to witness that spectacle of nature.

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