Homemade Shampoo To Prevent Hair Loss

Sometimes we notice that our hair falls out more frequently, is weakened, with split ends and brittle. Hair loss has many possible causes, from genetic factors to stress problems.

Therefore, it is necessary to go to a dermatologist to determine what these causes are and thus offer the most appropriate treatment for each case.

How to make my own homemade shampoo for hair loss?

When the fall is voluminous, we worry a lot. Unlike women, men almost always lose their hair due to hereditary factors, a shadow passed down from father to son that is difficult to avoid.

But in the case of us, the factors that trigger hair loss tend to be more varied. Fortunately, in many cases they are reversible.

If we follow correct lifestyle habits, where we include more vitamins and where we take better care of our diet, we will be able to recover the vitality of each fiber. But let’s see what usually causes hair loss in us:

  • Hormonal problems, metabolic changes.
  • Lack of iron or other minerals.
  • Vitamin E deficiency.
  • Stress or anxiety problems.
  • Presence of dandruff, or even sebum that obstructs the hair follicle.
  • Excess testosterone associated with certain diseases.

1. What do I need to make the hair loss shampoo?

homemade shampoo

The anti-hair loss shampoo will be effective as long as we act on the causes of hair loss. Once we have done it, the shampoo can complement the treatment prescribed by the dermatologist.

Well, the first thing we are going to need is a natural shampoo with a neutral pH. We are going to use it as a base to include the rest of the elements.

Those that are normally used for babies are very suitable. They are usually the most natural on the market. A small bottle is enough, the standard you will find in stores.

  • To make our shampoo for hair loss, we will use the essential oil of rosemary. It has been used for its effects to reactivate blood flow, providing strength to our hair.
  • We will also need lemon essential oil. It is a great antiseptic and refreshing.
  • We will also need two capsules of vitamin E. You can find them in health food stores, as well as in pharmacies.

2. How do I prepare it?

  • It’s very simple, you just have to pour ten drops of rosemary essential oil and ten of lemon essential oil into the neutral shampoo.
  • Afterwards, don’t forget to add the two vitamin E capsules.
  • We shake the shampoo bottle well and we will have it ready.

3. Mode of application

The important thing about this shampoo for hair loss is that you use it frequently, one day, one day, or twice a week.

  • You should apply it to damp hair and massage the scalp for at least 10 minutes.
  • Then allow it to act for another 10.
  • At the end, rinse with warm water (never hot).

Lotion for hair loss, ideal after shampooing

hair dyes hair loss

This time we will use the nettle. The  nettle is a medicinal plant that has been used to strengthen hair.

In pharmacies and natural stores you will find many preparations with this ingredient to take care of your hair. There are lotions, shampoos, a wide range that offers very good results.

We offer you a simple recipe, from which you can benefit. It is ideal to use it after rinsing the shampoo. Take note:

How to do it?

  • We take 6 nettle leaves and make an infusion, a simple infusion like the one we drink every afternoon.
  • A cup of boiling water, we toss them until it reaches a boil and we allow it to rest for 10 minutes.
  • We strain the preparation and let it cool down a bit.
  • Better warm than completely cold.

How to use

  • Okay, once you’ve shampooed your hair and rinsed it off, drop this nettle infusion and give yourself a little massage again.
  • At least 10 minutes.
  • Remember that this nettle-based lotion does not need to be rinsed off afterwards. That is, it is enough for us to do this massage for ten minutes and then let the hair dry.
  • If you dry your hair with the dryer, make sure that the temperature is not too high, since it tends to dry out and spoil the hair.

You can wash your hair with the shampoo every other day, while this excellent nettle-based lotion can be used twice a week. Be consistent and you will see results.

Do not forget that it is convenient that you go to the dermatologist to evaluate the causes of hair loss. These recipes can be used to support the treatment recommended by the professional.

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