Natural Remedies To Combat Vaginal Boils

They are annoying, painful, and can lead to complicated infections. The analysis of the concept of vaginal boils and its consequences is very useful information that should be on hand. Does this condition affect you? Additionally, we share several remedies of natural origin that help promote its relief.

What are vaginal boils?

Inflammation of the hair follicle affects the subcutaneous tissue and the dermis. A kind of pimple appears, painful and very annoying ; This infection is generated in the root of the body hair and the matter that is produced obstructs the exit of the hair out of the skin.

Woman with hands on pelvis

Common causes of vaginal boils

The cause is usually linked to hairs that encyst and grow inside the hair follicle. Hair removal may be related to these episodes that do not involve health risks; It will be enough to maintain a periodic exfoliation to avoid that the hair encysts.

Vaginal boils are also associated with infection by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, or by the action of fungi or yeast. It is called fungal folliculitis and it is contagious. Tight underwear can also cause these conditions to appear, as can poor hygiene.

Boils can appear around the labia and on the vulva. They are also very common on the neck and face, as well as the buttocks and thighs. Likewise, the armpits and areas with a lot of hair and humidity are susceptible to its appearance.

If the hair finally becomes encyst, it is advisable to place warm water around the grain, disinfect and try to remove it from the interior of the follicle. It is a simple process with no complications.

When is a boil risky?

When the grain changes color, increases its size, causes discomfort and fever, it is advisable to consult a doctor. If it remains for more than a week, it may be an alert.

A vaginal boil in these conditions can be indicative of the presence of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Cutaneous myiasis or furuncular myiasis, a larval infection of the skin, is another possibility. Diabetes, especially mellitus, has among its manifestations the presence of boils

The boil can also be indicative of kidney failure, cirrhosis, skin diseases, obesity, poor personal hygiene, and aging. In these cases the visit to the doctor is important; The professional will be able to detect if it is an infection that is not controlled or if it is the consequence of some disease.

Natural remedies to treat vaginal boils

There are several natural remedies that allow you to treat folliculitis . They are complementary and do not replace medical treatment, if this is necessary. In many cases, just putting warm water around the boil will help it dry quickly.

Antiseptic black pepper

Black pepper is very useful. It is antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and relieves pain.  The pepper leaves are placed in boiling water to prepare an infusion and are passed through the strainer. A compress soaked in water is applied to the area to relieve discomfort and pain from the infected boil.

Black peppercorns

Guatapaná fruits

Guatapaná fruits have healing effects. These fruits from America are useful for treating mouth ulcers, boils and wounds. They are also used to douche and relieve stomach problems.

The best way to use these fruits is to prepare them in an infusion that we will use to wash the area affected by vaginal boils. They can also be marinated and later turned into powder; all this will be mixed until producing a paste that is applied to the area and left to rest.

Yerba del pajarito

The alternanthera pungens , known as yerba del pajarito or yerba del pollo, has healing properties. It should be consumed with caution because it can cause poisoning. The best way to use it is to boil the leaves, crush them with a mortar until they form a paste that will be placed on the boils.

In addition to these natural remedies, daily hygiene must be present. Soaps that maintain the natural pH are recommended; It is also advisable to avoid tight underwear and exercise caution when waxing.

When we find out what vaginal boils are and their causes, we learn how to counteract them. Natural remedies are ideal for disinfecting and fighting inflammation. The ways to use them are very simple and inexpensive, ideal for treating these conditions that, in general, are not serious.

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