5 Facial Masks With Butter To Beautify Your Face

Do you feel that your skin is very tight and dry? Do you want more beautiful skin, but don’t want to spend a fortune on commercial products? In that case, try one of the following face masks with Butter .

In addition to obtaining a perfect face, it will be practically free. Surely at home you have the necessary ingredients to prepare some of the following recipes.

Benefits of applying butter face masks

Applying butter to your face on a regular basis will leave you with well-hydrated and glowing skin without a trace of dryness.

Over time, and if you apply these masks regularly, you will see fine lines or wrinkles and blemishes diminish.

This is because butter is rich in antioxidants like vitamin A and E . Both vitamins are necessary for healthy hair and skin.

  • If you are deficient in vitamin A, both your hair and your skin will appear dry, pale and flaky.
  • For its part, the deficiency of Vitamin E eases the damage caused by free radicals, skin blemishes and wrinkles.

    All this worsens if you are in contact with a highly polluted environment, your diet is unbalanced and you are over 30 years old.

    When to use these buttered face masks?

    How often you decide to use butter face masks depends on the problem you have:

    • If your skin is too dry, you should apply them once a week.
    • In case your skin is fine but you want to avoid dryness, apply these masks twice a month.
    • For oily skin we recommend not applying these masks more than once a month . The best thing in these cases would be to opt for other ingredients, since butter can increase the production of oil in your skin.

    We also recommend applying these masks after an exfoliation. In this way, your skin is clean and ready to absorb as much hydration as possible.

    1. Butter and papaya mask

    Butter and papaya mask

    The papain that we find in papaya makes it a great facial lightener. In addition, it has exfoliating properties that help remove pimples and impurities from the deeper layers.

    For this reason, We recommend using this mask if acne refuses to go away or if you have blemishes on your skin .


    • 2 teaspoons of butter (16 g)
    • 2 teaspoons of papaya pulp (10 g)


    • Mix the two ingredients in a small bowl and stir very well until you get a homogeneous consistency.
    • Apply the mask to your clean, dry skin and let it sit for 25 minutes.
    • Remove with warm water while giving a circular massage and pat dry very well.

    2. Olive oil and butter

    Is your skin extremely dry? Some people experience excessive dryness from certain diseases or conditions, such as diabetes.

    If that is your case, we are sure that the second of the butter facial masks is all you need.

    By mixing two fats you get an extra hydration that few commercial beauty products will give you. It is also a good idea to use it on any area that is very dry, such as elbows or knees.


    • 2 teaspoons of butter (16 g)
    • 1 teaspoon of olive oil (5 g)


    • Melt the butter in a double boiler.
    • Combine the melted butter with the olive oil in a small glass jar.
    • Apply with the help of a brush and give a gentle circular massage for 3 or 5 minutes.
    • Let stand for 5 more minutes
    • Wash with plenty of lukewarm water.
    • If you have too much mix left over, you can store it in a glass jar.

    3. Butter and salt

    Butter and salt

    Are you lazy to exfoliate before applying these masks? In that case you should try this option. L Salt has the power to remove dead cells while butter adds softness.


    • 2 tablespoons of butter (40 g)
    • 1 tablespoon of fine salt (10 g)


    • First, wash your face with mild soap and water.
    • Mix the two ingredients to form a paste.
    • Take some of the mask and gently massage the entire face and neck in a circular motion for 5 minutes.
    • Take good care that the mixture does not get into your eyes and let it sit for 10 minutes.
    • After the indicated time, clean with warm water.

    4. Strawberry butter mask

    The alpha hydroxy acids in strawberries have great anti-aging and anti-wrinkle power that many commercial beauty products take advantage of.

    When using this mask you decongest pores, thus eliminating acne and red areas.


    • 1 large strawberry, crushed or 2 small strawberries
    • 1 tablespoon of butter, softened (20 g)


    • In a small bowl mix the two ingredients and combine very well to form a paste.
    • Apply the mask to your face and cover with a damp cloth.
    • Let it rest for 15 minutes.
    • Remove the mask with warm water and pat dry.
    • Apply your favorite moisturizer.

    5. Butter and carrot

    Butter and carrot for face mask

    The last of the butter facial masks that we want to recommend is exceptional to restore shine and softness.

    In addition to the short-term benefits, the carotenes in carrots protect your skin from UV rays from the outside.


    • 3 tablespoons of butter (60 g)
    • 3 tablespoons of carrot juice (30 ml)


    • Combine the two ingredients to form a smooth paste.
    • Apply to clean skin and cover with a damp cloth.
    • Remove after 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

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