5 Care To Relieve Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is a vaginal infection that develops from a proliferation of bacteria. Although antibiotics contribute to its relief, it is also essential to apply other care. Discover them!

To relieve bacterial vaginosis, the doctor may prescribe some antibiotics orally or in cream form. However, there are other cares that are decisive when dealing with this infection.

Bacterial vaginosis is a type of vaginal infection that develops from an overgrowth of bacteria in the intimate area. In its natural state, the vagina has a flora or microbiota that protects it against harmful microorganisms. However, when its pH is altered, bacteria grow and infection occurs.

As a result, uncomfortable symptoms such as heavy and thick discharge, bad smell and itching in the intimate area are triggered . It is believed to be related to douching, the use of scented products, unprotected sex, and the use of certain medications. How to control it?

Home Care to Relieve Bacterial Vaginosis

Mild cases of bacterial vaginosis occur asymptomatically and disappear without the need for treatment, but simply by improving some habits. However, when it causes discomfort and symptoms, the doctor may suggest antibiotic medications such as metronidazole, tinidazole or clindamycin in topical use.

In addition to medications, there are other treatments to relieve bacterial vaginosis at home. They are simple strategies that help block the growth of harmful bacteria, favoring the regulation of vaginal pH. Discover them!

1. Eat plain yogurt

Natural yogurt with probiotics is a food that is beneficial in relieving bacterial vaginosis. A study carried out by researchers from the Israeli Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology showed that, thanks to its content of live cultures, it  helps to restore normal vaginal flora. In turn, it strengthens the functions of the immune system and improves the response against pathogens.

Woman eating a yogurt

To get these benefits, eat at least one yogurt a day. Also, with prior medical approval, you can also apply a small amount of yogurt to the outer parts of the vagina.

2. Take probiotics

Natural yogurt is also a probiotic. However, there are other suitable options to relieve bacterial vaginosis. According to research conducted in 2014, taking them daily fights vaginal infections.

Probiotics can be purchased prepared. But they are obtained naturally by taking fermented foods such as sauerkraut , kefir or kombucha , among others. Include them regularly in your diet, consume them in moderation and enjoy all their contributions!

 3. Wear breathable cotton clothing

Cotton sports underwear

There are some intimate garments whose manufacturing materials are not as breathable as those made from cotton. Spandex  underwear and other synthetic fabrics trap moisture and support the environment for bacteria to grow.

Thus, to speed recovery from bacterial vaginosis and prevent future infections, it is best to ensure that you wear breathable cotton underwear. It is also important to avoid wearing pants that are too tight.

4. Practice good hygiene to relieve bacterial vaginosis

The practice of good intimate hygiene habits are key when it comes to preventing and alleviating bacterial vaginosis. Although it is sometimes ignored, the anal and vaginal area are close. For this reason, bacteria from the rectum often pass into the vagina. So it is essential to apply some care.

  • Clean from front to back after using the bathroom.
  • Change tampons or pads several times a day during your menstrual period.
  • In case of using sex toys, these should be cleaned well with soap and hot water.
  • When having sex, it is best to use a condom.

5. Wash your hands before touching the intimate area

Although hand washing is part of good hygiene practices, it is essential to make a special mention. For what reason? Most women do not wash their hands before having contact with their intimate area. In fact, they usually do it later.

Soapy hands under running water from a tap.

However, it is best to do it before and after having any contact with the vagina. Hands come into contact with many surfaces and bacteria. Therefore, touching without a prior wash can cause or worsen bacterial vaginosis.

Make sure to wash them well before entering the bathroom or having contact with the intimate area. In this line, try to use an antibacterial soap for greater safety.

Relieve bacterial vaginosis in time

Do you notice abnormalities in your vaginal discharge? Do you perceive a bad smell in the intimate area? Maybe you have bacterial vaginosis. Apply the above tips to support your treatment.

However, if you do not notice an improvement in a short time, consult your doctor or gynecologist. He will be in charge of attacking the root problem.

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