15 Things You Should Know About Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia, according to this study, is a condition characterized by chronic musculoskeletal pain. In turn, it usually causes other symptoms such as fatigue, sleep problems, headaches, depression or joint stiffness.

Is there an effective treatment that can cure this disease? Not at the moment, since we are not dealing with a large “symptom map” of which its etiology is not precisely known, explains the same study cited.

Thus, the treatments aim to offer a better quality of life to patients, without forgetting to work on the psychological area either.

A very useful way to cope with fibromyalgia is by knowing the most important aspects that can help us relieve its symptoms. Understanding a little more about this disease, which can sometimes be considered a “chronic enemy that settles in our lives without permission”, then, is a very appropriate way to find strategies for our day to day.

We explain how.

Causes that can cause fibromyalgia and that you should know

According to the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), fibromyalgia affects each patient differently. There is not a similar symptom picture for all people, but some will have more muscle pain, others only joint, others will show more cognitive impairment and even severe depression. That is, it can range from genetic causes to physical and emotional trauma.

Hence, the usual difficulties in its diagnosis and in its subsequent treatments. However, according to the ACR, there are some causes that could give us some clues about the origin of fibromyalgia and that can help us to know a little more about this ailment.

Here are just 15 things to do about it:

1. Thyroid problems

Disorders associated with the thyroid gland often cause from chronic fatigue to joint pain and sleep problems.

According to various studies, at the time that many patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia were treated for thyroid problems by adjusting their levels, symptoms such as fatigue, depression and sleep disorders disappeared. Thus, the symptoms are associated with a differential diagnosis.

2. Deficiency of some vitamins

ACR specialists state that people suffering from fibromyalgia tend to have a fairly low level of magnesium, as well as a deficiency of vitamin B12 and vitamin D.

3. Presence of bacteria in the small intestine


In our intestine there are beneficial bacteria for our organism that contribute to the defense of many diseases.

Now, it has been seen that many patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia do not have a healthy intestine, but suffer what is known as leaky gut syndrome. Where there is an excess of harmful bacteria that are transmitted to the bloodstream.

4. Gluten intolerance

It is worth knowing that gluten intolerance is associated with many diseases. It is frequent that we associate it only with digestive disorders.

However, it can cause neurological problems, memory loss, chronic fatigue, depression, muscle aches and sleep disorders. It is not a symptom per se, but is used as a differential diagnosis method.

5. Overgrowth of intestinal candidiasis

The Candida albicans is a fungus or yeast that lives in the intestines and has much to do with what we have you noted earlier toxicity in this part of our body, in excess bacteria and fungi just transmitted to the bloodstream .

And do you know what the result is? We suffer joint pain, confusion, digestive problems, fatigue, among others.

6. Mutations in a gene

Specifically, the gene that, according to recent studies, could cause fibromyalgia is MTHFR. Its presence can cause us problems to synthesize lead and mercury, for example, in addition to preventing us from correctly eliminating toxins. There are medical tests that can tell us the presence of this gene.

7. Cognitive problems

They are frequent too, having difficulties with concentration, focus and attention. It is called fibro fog.

Non-pharmacological treatments that you should know

In addition to the medical guidelines that must be followed, it is very important that day-to-day changes begin to be made through which we can obtain a better quality of life.

It is essential to understand that fibromyalgia makes us very uncomfortable and will be present in our lives, therefore, we suggest recognizing how to treat it on a daily basis. This could be done through appropriate strategies that allow us to silence and weaken it in order to obtain a more adequate well-being.

Take note of the following tips that continue:

8. Relaxation techniques

It is important that, for an hour a day, you learn to relax, empty your mind and breathe deeply. Finding an internal balance and adequate peace with your mind and body is very helpful in dealing with pain.

9. Better nutrition

Avoid excess foods that “inflame” us:

  • The salt.
  • The sugar.
  • Dairy.
  • Red meat.
  • Sausages.
  • The sweets and cakes.
  • The carbonated soft drinks.
  • Prepared or precooked meals.

10. Recommended foods:

  • Flaxseed.
  • The avocados.
  • Legumes.
  • The blue fish.
  • Chia seeds.
  • The olive oil.
  • The fruit with skin and raw, not in juices. Look especially for the one that is rich in vitamin C.
  • Fresh vegetables and, if possible, raw, such as tomatoes, onions, peppers, broccoli and garlic.

11. Massages and gentle exercises

The massage helps reduce pain. Various studies recommend 3 weekly sessions, 30 to 45 minutes each if you want to see results. We could rest better and feel lighter, in addition to feeling less stiff joints.

It would also be very appropriate for you to practice yoga at home, since they are gentle exercises with which to improve your mobility.

Final aspects to keep in mind about fibromyalgia


12. Keep a journal

It is highly recommended to make a daily record of your condition. There are days when we feel less pain, and it is important to know what we have done or what we have not done in order to feel better. Also remember that each patient is unique, hence you are going to be the best observer of your body yourself.

13. Consider other alternatives

There are those who only trust medication and refuse to try other therapies such as relaxation or even go to a psychologist to treat depression or emotional problems. Do not forget that fibromyalgia is a disease formed by various physical and psychological ailments that must be addressed from various areas.

Therefore, it is better to try alternatives and see what results they offer us.

14. Lean on your family, your friends and your doctors

Social support is basic in our day to day. It allows you to feel supported and understood, so avoid isolating yourself by thinking that others do not know what you feel. Look for the best support!

15. Don’t let fibromyalgia rule your life

Pain makes us prisoners, we know, but if you give in every day in favor of fibromyalgia, you will only have suffering. Do not let that happen. Try to lead a normal life within your means, always seeking your happiness, seeking to do other things, that is, try to wake up every day with a positive attitude and leave this disease in the background.

Every effort, every help, will be worth it.

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