Ginger Beer To Reduce Pain And Inflammation

Did you know that ginger could help us reduce pain and inflammation? In addition, we can prepare a delicious ginger beer to drink in a simple way.

Discover in this article how to prepare this recipe, as well as all its health properties.


Ginger is one of the most widely used spices for gastronomic and medicinal purposes throughout the world. Its particular aroma and flavor is what has made it quite attractive in the kitchen.

However, its main uses have to do with health. This food represents a natural source of vitamins, minerals and essential antioxidant compounds.

A healing remedy

The scientifically proven therapeutic applications of ginger are multiple and were disclosed, for example, by Robineau (1991).   Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties have opened the possibility of offering alternative treatments in different pathologies. According to these and other studies, ginger would decrease pain and inflammation in body tissues.

The study by Alonso, 2004 also reveals that its gingerol content and the diarylheptanoids gingerdione and dihydrogingerdione have been identified as the active principles with inhibitory activity on platelet aggregation. This would make ginger beneficial for heart health and muscle ailments. It is also helpful in preventing many chronic diseases that are caused by inflammation.

Everything indicates that gingerol, its active compound, is not only the one that gives it its characteristic spicy flavor. It is also what makes it one of the best natural anti-inflammatories.

Anti inflammatory ginger beer

Ginger beer

Opening the catalog of ginger remedies to treat ailments we have come across an interesting recipe for an anti-inflammatory beer. This could be beneficial for rheumatoid arthritis, such as more serious muscle problems.

It consists of a fermented drink whose properties could reduce pain and inflammation to improve these types of ailments. It also contains groups of healthy bacteria. Therefore, it also provides an extra benefit to the digestive system by regulating the intestinal flora.


  • 5 cm fresh ginger root
  • ½ cup of brown sugar (100 g)
  • ½ cup of lemon juice (125 ml)
  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt (optional) (1 g)
  • 8 cups of water (2 l)
  • ½ cup of fermented ginger (see recipe at the end) (100 g)


  • To start, chop the ginger root.
  • Next, bring three cups of water to a boil in a saucepan and add the minced ginger, sugar, and salt.
  • Then simmer for 5 minutes and check that the sugar has melted.
  • Add the rest of the water and wait a few hours for the mixture to cool down to room temperature.
  • Then continue adding the lemon and half a cup of fermented ginger.
  • When it’s ready, pour the contents into an airtight glass jar and take it to a dark place.
  • You should let it rest for two to three days so that it becomes fizzy.
  • If you leave it longer, the drink will start to become alcoholic.
  • Lastly, strain and transfer the liquid to individual bottles to store in the refrigerator.

To keep in mind!

  • The fermentation process will depend on the added temperature, sugar and strength of the culture.
  • In the end, the drink will have a mild ginger smell but combined with the aroma of fermentation or yeast.
  • Do not let the liquid rest for longer than recommended, because it could ferment too much and cause a small explosion.

How to make fermented ginger?

Fermented ginger

Many people have a hard time finding fermented ginger on the market. Therefore, below we want to share the steps to prepare it at home in an organic and safe way.


  • 8 tablespoons of grated ginger (80 g)
  • 8 tablespoons of sugar (80 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)


  • To start, mix two to three tablespoons of grated ginger with the same amount of sugar.
  • Next, add the two cups of water and stir everything so that the ingredients are well incorporated.
  • Then, put the liquid in a slightly covered jar and leave it in a cool place (it does not need to be dark).
  • Thereafter and for 5 days, stir the mixture daily and add another tablespoon of grated ginger and another of sugar.
  • The fermentation is ready when bubbles form on top and the liquid is cloudy, opaque in appearance, and smells like yeast.
  • This fermented can be kept indefinitely, as long as you “feed” it from time to time.

    How to consume this ginger beer?

    How to consume this ginger beer

    • In order to reduce joint and muscle ailments: you can drink this drink every day or at least three times a week.
    • To start the dose, start with half a glass (100 ml). Then you can increase it to 150 or 200 ml, as you consider necessary.
    • Note:  This drink is made with a significant amount of sugar. Therefore,  it is not suitable for people suffering from diabetes or high sugar problems.

    If you consider that you can ingest it, it is worth trying to prepare it at home so that you can enjoy its benefits. It is useful both to alleviate some symptoms, to prevent diseases and to strengthen the defenses. However, do not forget to consult with your doctor and take the indicated medication.

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