9 Foods Rich In Water To Combat Dehydration

Foods like watermelon and cucumber are mostly made up of water. Due to this characteristic, they are ideal ingredients to alleviate dehydration.

Regular consumption of foods rich in water is one of the simple measures to combat dehydration. This condition, which can be caused by low fluid intake or excessive fluid loss, is one of the triggers for many health problems.

Although many people ignore it, water participates in all the vital functions of the body. In fact, it is estimated that more than 60% of the body’s composition corresponds to this liquid. What happens by not drinking water?

The lack of fluids in the body produces an alteration both in the level of water and mineral salts. As a result, the organs stop working optimally and there are energy dips and physical and mental discomfort.

While the ideal is to overlay fluids with mineral water and healthy drinks, there are also foods that go a long way toward minimizing the effects of dehydration. Which are? We review them in detail below.

Foods rich in water that help you fight dehydration

Foods rich in water have multiple advantages to alleviate the negative effects of dehydration on health. Not only do they contain healthy fluids that hydrate cells, but they provide mineral salts and key nutrients to regulate electrolytes and body functions.

Foods rich in water.

In addition to this, some are packed with healthy dietary fiber, amino acids, and fatty acids that control appetite. Therefore, they are great for controlling anxiety and thirst without resorting to calorie-packed options. Don’t hesitate to try them!

1. Watermelon

It is one of the most prominent water-rich foods. Since more than 92% of its composition is water, it is a perfect complement to face the symptoms of dehydration. Among other things, it provides vitamins A and C and mineral salts such as potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.

2. Cucumber

This delicious vegetable contains up to 96% water. Its caloric content is quite low and provides light doses of vitamin C, potassium and fiber. Thanks to this, it helps to superimpose fluids in the body and, incidentally, improves digestive and immune health.

It is important to note that regular consumption of vitamin C stimulates immune function, as stated in a study published in the journal  Nutrients . For this reason it is necessary to guarantee your daily contribution. Adding cucumber to salads can be a good option to achieve this goal.

3. Tomato

It is advisable to drink natural tomato juice.

Known as one of the most refreshing and complete ingredients for summer, the tomato is one of the protagonists of the list of foods rich in water. Its high content of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, protects cells and prevents aging. 

On the other hand, this phytonutrient is capable of reducing cardiovascular risk, according to research published in the journal Atherosclerosis.

More than 94% of its composition is water and it provides only 20 calories. To make matters worse, it contains vitamins A and C, essential minerals, and a significant amount of fiber.

4. Apple

A delicious apple is made up of 86% water. Even so, it is one of the fruits with the highest content of antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. Its regular intake inhibits the negative effects of free radicals and helps prevent the deterioration of brain cells.

In addition, the pectin it contains stimulates the selective growth of the bacteria that make up the intestinal microbiota, as stated in a study carried out in 2017.

5. Citrus fruits

All varieties of citrus fruits represent a great alternative to rehydrate the body when fluids are lost. For example, an orange contains up to 88% water. Added to this, they are a source of vitamin C and mineral salts that regulate electrolytes.

6. Green vegetables

Up to 90% of the composition of lettuce and spinach is water. Therefore, both options are excellent alternatives to alleviate any symptoms related to dehydration. This variety of vegetables contains vitamins A and C, minerals and antioxidants that prevent various diseases.

7. Pineapple

Pineapple is rich is water.

This delicious tropical fruit is rehydrating and helps to overcome mineral salts that are lost through excessive sweating, diarrhea and other disorders that lead to dehydration. It contains vitamin C, thiamine and an enzyme called bromelain that gives it its main benefits when it comes to improving digestive processes.

8. Celery

There are multiple ways to incorporate celery into your regular diet to enjoy its benefits. Since it is made up of more than 95% water, it is one of the most hydrating ingredients. It also provides vitamin K, potassium and vitamin B9, necessary for the formation and maintenance of cells.

9. Melon

Melon is a refreshing food that can be included in salads or smoothies. It contains significant amounts of beta-carotene, as well as manganese, potassium and vitamin C. Due to its high water content, it is one of the most recommended diuretic and rehydrating fruits.

Eat vegetables to prevent dehydration

Are you worried about health problems due to dehydration? Then do not hesitate to take advantage of the benefits of these foods. Although of course you should drink plenty of water daily, these ingredients are a good complement. Enjoy them!

Remember that the ideal is to consume all these foods naturally, without cooking or mixing in shakes, since this way their properties are used more. However, nothing happens if one day you decide to enjoy -for example- some delicious carrots in a smoothie with orange and ginger, instead of natural.

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