Differences Between Asperger Syndrome And Autism

Autism spectrum disorders include various clinical manifestations in which the patient is unable to relate to those around him.

Many people believe that Asperger syndrome and autism are the same. However, although both are part of what is known as ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), they present differences that should be noted.

The  Autism is characterized by very early detected. Children who suffer from it are not able to relate naturally with other children, have difficulties understanding non-verbal language and tend to perform repetitive and impulsive movements.

In contrast, Asperger syndrome usually takes a little longer to detect. Those who suffer from it have problems understanding metaphors and double meanings, and have delayed motor development (for example, they cannot catch a ball or ride a bicycle).

Autism affects intellectual capacity

Asperger syndrome and autism

Autism is detected at a very young age, usually before the age of 3. What is first observed is a  slight delay in his development that becomes more noticeable as he progresses in school.

This type of delay  also affects the use of language. The child is not capable of expressing himself as he would have to do at his age. It seems that it does not mature and remains stagnant.

However, Asperger syndrome does not cause any problems on an intellectual level. In fact, children who suffer from it have an IQ that falls within the average.

Children with Asperger’s do not have any language maturation problems, as the acquisition of vocabulary is appropriate for their age. However, they do have difficulties understanding figurative language, detecting metaphors and everything that has to do with emotions.

Children with Asperger’s are more socially “active”

Children with Asperger's are more socially active

Children with Asperger syndrome  often have an interest in relating to others. Despite their limitations, they do not reject contact with others and even enjoy autonomy.

In fact, it is not strange sometimes to hear a mother say ” my son has autism but he is very affectionate and he is always asking for hugs “. Most likely, you mean that your child has Asperger’s syndrome.

However, children with autism avoid contact with other people and tend to isolate themselves from them. It is normal for them to want to lock themselves in the room and play alone. They can be less autonomous than Aspergers and more dependent.

The understanding and involvement of the family

Family understanding and involvement with children with Asperger's syndrome and autism

In Asperger syndrome and autism, family involvement is very important. Dealing with a child with an ASD is not easy. On many occasions, the situation can be complicated and you have to know how to manage your emotions so as not to blame them, since they are not to blame for anything.

In addition, you should try to  learn more about this topic, not consider it a taboo. Learning more about Asperger’s syndrome and autism could guarantee much more help and encouragement for your child.

Although Asperger syndrome and autism have no cure at the moment, with good therapy, exercises, and stimulation, children with these types of disorders can lead completely normal lives.

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