More Attractive Lips: Take Note Of These 6 Tips

Many women frequently look for various cares that allow them to keep their lips healthy, since there are many factors that weaken the sensitive skin that covers them, making them look dry and chapped. Also, many feel the need for more attractive lips.

While it is important to keep them hydrated and looking healthy, we also seek to  enhance their qualities to make them more voluminous and seductive.

In response to this, the cosmetic industry has been tasked with developing hundreds of types of lip balms and lipsticks whose functions are to help achieve that desired appearance. On the other hand, aesthetic medicine has perfected certain techniques that allow them to increase their thickness or improve their shape.

Numerous scientific studies affirm that the mouth is the most influential facial feature in the perception of facial beauty. Therefore, it is one of the features that generates the greatest demand for treatments in Aesthetic Medicine. 

The  chieloplasty  is a surgical procedure performed on the lips in order to  improve and harmonize the appearance of the mouth.  It can be done to increase the lips, decrease them or, also, to correct congenital defects or secondary to the injection of products or accidents.

However, for those who prefer natural options, there are a series of homemade tricks that can be quite useful to highlight this attraction to the maximum. Would you like to meet them?

1. Exfoliation for more attractive lips

Exfoliation for more attractive lips

The goal of peels is to remove dead cells that make your skin look unhealthy. In the case of the lips, you will have to do it more regularly since,  being so sensitive, they tend to dry out more frequently.

How should you do it?

There are many natural ways to put this simple treatment into practice. You can scrub them first with a soft-bristle toothbrush, then rinse them off with lukewarm water. But if you want to provide them with some nutrients, you can apply a simple sugar and honey treatment.


  • 1 teaspoon of sugar (5 g)
  • 2 teaspoons of honey (15 g)

Preparation and how to use

  • Mix the two ingredients in a bowl and make sure to form a thick paste.
  • Apply the product using your fingertips and gently massage them in a circular motion.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water and repeat its use once a week.

It is important to consult a dermatologist if you have any questions or if you have an allergic reaction to some ingredients.

2. No smoking

Smoking not only has negative effects on beauty, but it also compromises the health of the skin and lips. Although at first it seems harmless, over time it becomes one of the potential causes of wrinkles around the mouth, dry lips and bad breath.

Scientific studies even show the effect of cigarettes on the appearance of lip cancer.

3. Use a hydrating lip balm

Use a hydrating lip balm for more attractive lips

An important tip for more attractive and healthy lips is to keep them hydrated. Lip balms are products with hydrating qualities that can be used every day to ensure adequate moisture.

In the market they can be purchased in various presentations and colors, but it is also excellent to prepare one at home, natural and with few ingredients.

How should you do it?

The elaboration is quite simple and not a single ingredient is used with harsh chemicals.


  • 1 teaspoon of cocoa butter (5 g)
  • 1 teaspoon and a half of shea butter (8 g)
  • 2 drops edible vanilla extract (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon and a half of castor oil (7 ml)
  • 1 clean and sterilized bottle.

Preparation and how to use

  • First, put all the ingredients in a saucepan and bring them to a bain-marie on the heat.
  • Mix everything very well and, when it is ready, place it in the chosen container.
  • Let it dry uncovered for 2 to 4 hours to thicken, then cover.
  • Take the amount you consider appropriate and apply it whenever you feel you need hydration.

It is important to consult a dermatologist if you have any questions or if you have an allergic reaction to some ingredients.

4. Do lip exercises

Make lip exercises for more attractive lips

That’s how it is! You can also do exercises to have more attractive, beautiful and healthy lips. The best exercise is to put them in a kissing position for a few minutes. Then they stretch out smiling and relax. Do this simple movement every day for 3-5 minutes and you will notice the difference.

5. Choose a suitable color

Colored lipsticks are one of the best allies to bring out all the attractiveness that lips have. However, it is very important to know how to choose the color for the type of skin and the occasion  since, otherwise, it could make us look bad.

If you still don’t know which one suits you best, try soft colors for the day and intense colors for the night. If your skin color is dark, opt for a brown one with a yellow base.

6. Use sunscreen

Using sunscreen for more attractive lips

Another important tip for more attractive and healthier lips is to use sunscreen. As with other areas of the skin, the lips also suffer the consequences of exposure to UV rays from the sun. It is essential that you apply a balm with sunscreen to reduce the risk of developing damage due to their fault. Scientific studies reveal the danger posed by the exposure of the lips to the sun, for the development of lip cancer.

Do not stop putting these tips into practice! They may not have the effects of surgery or techniques to change the shape of the lips, but it  is a safe and effective alternative to highlight all your beauty.

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