Studies Show That Baby Formulas Contain A Large Amount Of Sugar

Baby formulas are a product widely used to supplement the diet of the little ones or to replace breast milk. However, recent research suggests that the amount of sugars they contain is excessively high.

This could have negative consequences for the development of the organism. One of them is the alteration of the microflora, which in the early stages of life is very sensitive to food, as stated in a study. An excessive intake of sugar could condition the predisposition to suffer from diabetes, obesity or other complex diseases.

Baby formulas and breast milk

Ideally, these formulas should be as similar as possible to breast milk in terms of their nutritional value. In this way we would ensure the correct development of the child and the proper functioning of his organism.

However, it may be interesting to include slightly higher amounts of certain nutrients such as omega 3. These fatty acids have implications for brain development, studies indicate. In addition, they have an interesting anti-inflammatory capacity.

Amount of sugar in baby formulas

Although breast milk contains lactose, a sugar that is indigestible early in life, formulas contain excessive amounts of simple sugars. In fact, in a large number of brands of preparations and formulas for babies, the content of this nutrient is greater than 7.5 grams per 100 ml of product. This concentration of sugars is comparable, for example, to that of sports drinks.

It should be noted that sugar, in addition to providing organoleptic properties, has a certain addictive effect, as indicated by some research. It is not at all convenient, therefore, subjecting babies to an excess of this nutrient. Otherwise, we will not be preventing the child’s palate from getting used to it in the future and falling into its excessive consumption.

Drooling in Babies

Sugar and complex diseases

More and more studies link sugar consumption in non-athletes with the risk of developing complex diseases in the medium term. The relationship between the consumption of simple sugars and diabetes or obesity is quite clear. Consumption of this nutrient has even been linked to an increased risk of some types of cancer.

As if this were not enough, the consumption of this substance is also related to the risk of cardiovascular disease in children. An article in the journal Circulation put that into evidence. However, the addition of artificial sweeteners to products, instead of sugar, does not seem to be a very effective solution when it comes to combating the risk of this type of pathology.

The importance of labeling

For all these reasons, it is essential to read the labels of the products before buying them. Much more if they are food aimed at children, where a poor choice of ingredients on a continuous basis can contribute to the appearance of future health problems.

It is advisable to choose infant formulas that have low amounts of sugar and are rich in protein, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, it may be interesting that these products are lightly supplemented with probiotics to improve the composition of the microflora in the early stages of life. This will have very positive consequences for health in the medium and long term.

formula milk

To keep in mind!

Infant formulas sometimes contain more sugar than would be recommended. In fact, the concentration of this nutrient is often similar to that of a sports drink.

This nutrient is quite dangerous when ingested regularly and in high amounts. Especially when it comes to its consumption in the early stages of life.

For this reason, it is crucial to pay special attention to the labeling of products and to choose those with the least amount of sugars. We must not forget that breast milk contains lactose, and it may be interesting that these types of formulas also have it in their composition. The abandonment of lactose could generate intolerances in the short and medium term, which is not positive.

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