Regenerating Aloe Vera Cream Very Easy To Prepare

Lately it has become very fashionable to prepare creams for the care of the face and body at home, since it is considered that, being made with natural ingredients, they can be more advantageous for the health of the skin. For this reason, there are those who have decided to make their own regenerating aloe vera cream.

It is no secret to anyone that aloe vera is one of the most used plants in the world of cosmetics. It is said to help hydrate and nourish the skin, in addition to reducing recent scars.

What is a regenerating cream for?

Woman applying a cream to her face.

A regenerating cream is said to help nourish and care for the skin to restore its elasticity, firmness and radiance. It is not a definitive “solution” to the problems that the epidermis may present, but rather an extra contribution so that you can look good.

Generally, these types of products are applied at night, which is when the skin can take better advantage of it, through its own natural mechanisms.

Regarding the application depending on age, this becomes somewhat optional, in a way. There are those who begin to take more care of their skin from the age of 25 and others from the age of 30 or more.

In addition to taking into account at what age we begin to take more care of our skin, it is important to remember that good results can only appear if we apply the regenerating cream within an appropriate care routine. 

Regenerating aloe vera cream

There are several homemade recipes to prepare a regenerating aloe vera cream. In some, the main ingredient is mixed with another, such as rosehip oil, virgin coconut oil or almond oil. But in other cases, it is given full prominence.

In the recipe that we are going to comment on below, we have decided to take advantage of the properties of several ingredients to obtain a very nourishing formula for the skin.

Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera soap


  • 3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (45 ml).
  • 1 tablespoon of cocoa butter (20 g).
  • 1 cup of almond oil (250 ml).
  • 3 tablespoons of natural beeswax (45 g).
  • Drops of natural essential oils (to taste).


  • Containers for cream.
  • Airtight glass jar.

Note : If you don’t have an aloe vera plant in your house, you can ask a neighbor who does or buy a plant yourself. You’re going to put more use to it than you might initially believe.


  • To prepare our regenerating aloe vera cream we will have to cut the leaves into small pieces. Once this is done, we have to remove the pulp or gel from the inside. To do this, we will cut the pieces in half and empty the inside with a spoon.
  • When we have the aloe vera pulp, we will put them in the airtight glass container and add the cocoa butter and almond oil. Also, we will include the beeswax.
  • When we have our container full we are going to put it in the water bath. We will leave it for a few minutes and wait for the ingredients to soften and fall apart.
  • When everything is ready, we will remove the glass jar from the water bath (being very careful not to burn ourselves) and we will shake it to mix the ingredients.
  • If we do not like the texture, or we see it with many lumps, we could use a mixer to integrate the ingredients well with each other.
  • Once the cream is ready, we will add the drops of essential oil that we have chosen. With the mixture still hot, we will put it in the containers chosen to store it.

    Aloe vera cream

    Final thoughts

    We will let the cream cool down and the one that we are not going to use will be stored in a glass container, in the refrigerator. This way it will not lose its properties and it will last longer, as natural creams tend to “expire” before any purchased cream.

    As we have seen, making a regenerating aloe vera cream is very simple. With only a series of ingredients that it will not be difficult for us to find, we can take care of our skin at night with a completely natural product.

    Do you dare to make your own regenerating aloe vera cream? Have you done any other kind? The satisfaction of making your own cosmetics is undoubtedly priceless.

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