Flax Seeds Vs Chia Seeds: Is There A Winner?

Seeds are foods that have recently been introduced into many dietary guidelines and have revolutionized nutrition. In the context of a balanced diet they are able to positively affect the functioning of the body.

We are going to show you what are the differences between the two most famous seeds today: chia seeds and flax seeds. Both can be used in almost the same situations. However, a combination is always possible to achieve a higher nutrient supply.

Noticeable differences between flax and chia seeds

With the naked eye you can find certain differences between flax seeds and chia seeds. The former are larger and somewhat less dark. While those of chia have a black color, those of linen are rather brown. The flavor also varies, although in both cases we are talking about insipid foods that stand out from an organoleptic point of view due to their texture.

In addition, it should be noted that chia seeds are capable of swelling in contact with water ; something that linen ones can’t do. This increases its culinary versatility, since it is possible to make puddings with them or smoothies. Flax seeds, however, are more suitable for adding to dairy, such as yogurt or kefir.

What is its nutritional contribution?

Flax seeds stand out for their high caloric intake. They are capable of providing 534 kilocalories for every 100 grams of product. Within the macronutrients, fats predominate, and their proteins are also noteworthy.

They are low in sugar and have a significant fiber value. As far as micronutrients are concerned, they are capable of providing calcium, iron and magnesium in significant quantities, as well as a small dose of vitamin C, which is not very representative.

Chia seeds are foods with fewer calories: 486 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. They also stand out for containing a large amount of lipids, almost all of them unsaturated.

The proteins found inside, in the same way that it happens with those of flax seeds, are of low biological value. Even so, it is possible to find 17 grams of them for every 100 grams of food. Its fiber contribution is also significant, greater than in the previous case. Finally, we must add vitamin A and vitamin C.

Seeds added to the diet.

Main benefits of flax seeds and chia seeds

Regular consumption of seeds provides several health benefits. We present them to you.

Better cardiovascular function

The first of the benefits is the reduction of cardiovascular risk, caused by the fatty acid content of the omega 3 series. This is evidenced by a study published in The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews .

Reduction of constipation

On the other hand, it should be noted that regular fiber intake is capable of improving the functioning of the digestive system. It has been shown to reduce constipation and even the incidence of some types of tumors, such as colorectal ones. In addition, it can increase satiety, leading to less cravings for food.

More efficient cellular oxygenation process

We have to mention that the iron content can positively impact the ability to transport oxygen through the blood. There is evidence that a regular intake of this mineral decreases the incidence of anemia. However, absorption is higher when administered with a dose of vitamin C.

Chia seeds.

How to include them in the diet?

The best option to include the seeds in the diet is through the preparation of smoothies or salads. They can also be added to yogurts or bowls , thus enriching recipes.

In the particular case of chia seeds, it is possible to prepare puddings with them in a very simple way. This creates an attractive texture with a flavor that will depend on the rest of the ingredients that make up the preparation. There are even those who make chia water with various ingredients that are high in antioxidants and consume it on an empty stomach.

They go well with nuts when added to yogurt or kefir. In this way, a very complete end result is obtained from a nutritional point of view. The protein intake will be significant, in the same way as the micronutrient content.

Flax seeds and chia seeds: beneficial foods

Flax seeds and chia seeds are beneficial for health. If we had to choose one, we would stick with chia. In the first place, due to its lower caloric intake and its higher micronutrient content. Second, your greatest culinary possibilities.

In any case, the most appropriate thing is to combine them and ingest them on a regular basis to take advantage of all the positive effects that they are capable of generating. Keep in mind that they should be in the context of a healthy diet.

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