5 Exercises During Pregnancy

Exercising during pregnancy can promote the physical and mental well-being of the expectant mother, while preparing her body for the time of delivery.

Exercising during pregnancy has multiple benefits for both the mother and the baby on the way. Although vigorous routines should be avoided during this stage, some activities can keep a sedentary lifestyle away.

This allows the future mother to face the moment of delivery with more optimism, since her body will feel healthier and more prepared. In the same way, you can enjoy this stage more fully, as you will have fewer discomforts or complications.

However, it is important to take into account medical recommendations, since there are specific cases in which certain sports practices should be avoided. What are the recommended exercises? Are there risks when practicing them? Find out!

Benefits of exercising during pregnancy

The most recommended exercises


The practice of exercises during pregnancy is an issue that has always caused doubts. Although it was thought that it could be harmful to the baby, it is currently one of the most recommended habits for a healthy pregnancy.

Of course, it is not about following a strict or high intensity regimen. What is proposed is to maintain a low-impact training routine, which allows to maintain physical and mental well-being at this stage. Let’s see below its main benefits:

  • Helps reduce back pain.
  • Improves and corrects body posture.
  • Tones the muscles of the back, buttocks and thighs.
  • Decreases constipation by speeding up the bowel movement.
  • It prevents the deterioration of the joints by activating the synovial fluid that acts as a lubricant.
  • Decreases stress and anxiety that can cause sleep problems.
  • Strengthens the pelvic floor muscles and prepares them for childbirth.
  • Lowers the risk of gestational diabetes.
  • It prevents excessive weight gain, which allows you to regain your figure more easily after childbirth.
  • Helps control breathing and improves ability to cope with pain.

Exercises during pregnancy that you should practice

It is important to note that the exercises during pregnancy may vary for each woman, according to her age, physical condition and health conditions. It is best to ask your doctor what activities can be practiced without any risk.

Now, if the pregnant woman is not used to exercising, it is best to start gently, gradually. While all advisable activities are generally low-impact, some are a bit complex if they have never been done.

1. Walk

pregnant walking


It is one of the best exercises during pregnancy, especially because it is low-demanding and can be practiced from start to finish. In fact, it is recommended to reduce the risk of preterm labor and favor the arrival of the baby by vaginal delivery.

On the other hand, it is ideal for reducing pressure on the legs, as it stimulates circulation and fights fluid retention. By the way, it regulates the activity of the nervous system and reduces the anxiety and stress crises that occur at this stage.

2. Riding a bicycle

As long as it is not a risky pregnancy, the bicycle can be an ally to maintain sports practices during pregnancy. This activity tones the muscles, improves blood circulation and helps maintain an adequate weight.

It is recommended until the fifth month of pregnancy, since afterwards it carries some dangers. It should not be ignored that the volume of the belly can cause imbalance and falls. Therefore, to avoid this, other options have to be chosen in the final stage.

3. Swimming

Swimming is one of the sports that provide multiple health benefits.

Exercising in the water has caught the attention of many pregnant women who are concerned about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Swimming and other activities in the water favor the relief of muscle aches of pregnancy without much effort.

Another advantage is that there is less risk of injury, because the water reduces the physical weight. In addition, it reactivates blood circulation, strengthens respiratory health and, by reducing anxiety, promotes mental well-being.

4. Yoga exercises

Yoga has complex routines that are not suitable for pregnant women. However, there are also low-demand postures that can be quite beneficial throughout this stage. These exercises improve body posture and reduce various ailments.

The pelvic region is also worked to reduce the risk of tears or trauma during childbirth. In turn, it improves mental health and teaches breathing techniques that can help minimize labor pains.

5. Stretching exercises

Stretching exercises are essential in any exercise plan during pregnancy. Due to the benefits they provide, they are recommended from the first months until shortly before the moment of delivery.

Its regular practice reduces pain in the legs and back and increases the flexibility of the joints. In conjunction with abdominal and Kegel exercises, they are the most common in childbirth classes.

What are the risks of exercises during pregnancy?

The regular practice of low-impact exercises does not pose risks in a normal pregnancy. However, if the pregnant woman exceeds her practice or opts for intense routines, the risk of preterm birth and intrauterine growth retardation increases.

Other side effects of exercises during pregnancy are:

  • Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar content)
  • Skeletal muscle injuries
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Dizziness and weakness
  • Headaches

In conclusion, physical exercise has many benefits in pregnancy, as long as its practice is prudent and appropriate for each stage. The ideal is to have the supervision of a professional to avoid risky positions or movements.

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