Strawberry Zuccotto

Would you like to prepare a typical dessert from the Italian region of Tuscany? The strawberry zuccotto is made with a sponge base bathed in alcohol, cream or ricotta cheese, chocolate and strawberries. It’s a delight! In the following article, we will tell you how it is done and with what to accompany it so that you become your family’s favorite pastry chef.

Basic strawberry zuccotto recipe

For this first approach to the traditional dessert of Florence, you only need a handful of ingredients. The result is exquisite!


For the base:

  • 1 packet of soletillas
  • sugar and water for the syrup
  • 1 little liquor to taste

For the filling:

  • 250 grams of mascarpone cheese
  • 1 jar of cream
  • strawberries

For decoration:

  • cream
  • strawberries


strawberry poke cake

  • The first thing to do is the syrup . To do this, heat water and sugar in a saucepan until it turns brown and thickens. Add the alcohol you want (if the children are not going to consume it).
  • Soak the soletillas in the syrup when it has tempered.
  • Form a base with half of the soles dipped in the mold you are going to use. If it is oval, the better.
  • Cover with plastic wrap and put it in the fridge.
  • Meanwhile, make the filling: Cut the strawberries into slices. Whip the cream with the mascarpone cheese and make a mixture with the fruits.
  • Fill the mold that you had put to cool.
  • Form a second layer of bathed soletillas and put it in the freezer for an hour.
  • Whip the cream for the decoration and cut the strawberries into slices.
  • Sprinkle over the strawberry zuccotto and return to the fridge until serving. Half an hour will be enough time.

Another way to prepare strawberry zuccotto

After you have done the basic option, you could vary by doing this alternative. Besides being easy, it is the classic recipe. However, it takes more ingredients and it takes longer to make.


For the cake:

  • 6 eggs
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • 180 grams of flour
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 20 grams of cocoa

For the first filling:

  • 500 grams of ricotta cheese
  • 75 grams of icing sugar
  • 75 grams of dark chocolate
  • 50 grams of cherries in syrup
  • 200 grams of candied fruit

For the truffle heart:

  • 125 grams of dark chocolate
  • 250 grams of liquid cream
  • 2 tablespoons sugar

For the second filling:

  • 200 ml of whipping cream
  • 35 grams of sugar
  • 4 tablespoons of strawberry jam
  • 3 gelatin sheets

For the Italian meringue (topping):

  • 2 clear
  • 140 grams of sugar
  • 40 ml of water
  • ¼ teaspoon lemon juice

Additional features:

  • 100 ml of liquor (rum or amaretto )


strawberry cake

  • First, prepare the cake : Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Grease and line a mold with greaseproof paper. Sift the flour, cocoa, and salt. Reserve it.
  • In a bowl, beat the eggs with the sugar using electric stirrers for about 10 minutes. Add the sifted ingredients and keep stirring. Pour it into the mold and cook it for 30 minutes. Check with a toothpick if it is ready. Remove from the oven and let cool before unmolding and cutting into three discs.
  • Then make the first filling. Beat the cheese and sugar, and add the rest of the ingredients while continuing to mix. Put it in the fridge for 2 hours.
  • For the truffle heart, melt the chocolate in a double boiler or in the microwave. Let it cool and mix it with the cream and sugar. When it reaches room temperature, you can put it in the freezer for 2 hours (until it hardens).
  • Now, prepare the second filling. Soak the gelatin sheets in water and heat them for a few seconds to completely dilute. Whip the cream with the sugar and add the jam. Add it to the gelatin and mix well. Put it in the fridge.
  • Finally, the assembly : You already have the 3 sponge discs. Line a round mold with kitchen paper. Put the first disk to be the base. Soak with the chosen liquor and spread with the ricotta filling. On top is the truffle heart. Cover it with the second disk, soak it with rum and spread the cream and jam filling on top. Finally, cover with the third disc. Put it in the fridge for 12 hours. An hour before serving, assemble the Italian meringue and put it on top. Refrigerate for a little longer.

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