Are You Trying To Lose Weight But Soon Get It Back? We Explain The 4 Possible Reasons

Has it ever happened to you? We have been on a rigorous diet for three months , we are preparing for the summer or we may even simply want to improve our figure by losing those extra kilos. And we get it! We finally managed to be at our ideal weight. However, after a few weeks… we regain the lost weight.

Why is this so often happening to us? Is there something we have done wrong? It is very possible that this is the case, which is why we want to explain in this article what are the most common causes that make us regain lost weight  when we least expect it.

Keys that make us regain lost weight

Next we are going to share with you the 4 main keys by which the lost weight is regained after losing weight. So take note and don’t fall for these common mistakes:

1. Skipping meals

lost weight

We will give you a simple example so that you understand it immediately. Imagine that a friend of yours wants to lose weight quickly for the summer. To do this,  he sets his own regimen. This consists of skipping dinners, having the minimum breakfast and, in the central hours, pecking at whatever you like.

This means that, a day, you spend between 10 and 12 hours without eating, which puts your body into a “state of alert” and seeks to  burn energy reserves. However, the moment it returns to normal, the opposite will happen. It will recover the energy reserve from before very quickly to cover that unexpected lack and to prevent new situations that our body encodes as alarm.

I mean, what our friend has done is not healthy at all. We cannot just stop eating overnight, or limit ourselves to eating two meals a day. This is processed as a threat and, consequently, our body reacts by storing more fat in anticipation of future fasts.

2. The danger of low calorie diets

In this case we have the classic example of those very restrictive diets where, despite respecting the 5 meals a day, they are made through a very dangerous dietary and nutritional imbalance for our body.

It is mainly about those regimens where you want to consume less than 1,200 Kcal / day.  Generally, it is recommended to consume almost exclusively carbohydrates, or a type of protein.

It is something very dangerous for our health. Normally these diets are carried out for a short time, about two or three weeks. In addition, it is common that when leaving them, the gain of the lost weight takes place, as has been found in various studies. Even if we eat moderately.

Take note of why this happens

  • What these types of restrictive diets do is lower our glycogen level. So our body tends to look for this element somewhere. And do you know where it does it? In our muscles. It is in these parts where it can obtain some energy and, to do so, it releases a large amount of water along with minerals and toxic substances derived from its metabolism, such as uric acid.
  • When the so-called “miracle diet” ends, we have lost kilos by having consumed the glycogen stored in the liver, by having turned to the muscles for energy and by having lost water and essential minerals for our body.
  • This deficit means that, the moment we return to our normal diet,  the tissues seek to “rehydrate” again and quickly, storing fats and calories for this. Hence, the kilos return in a short time.

3. The need to incorporate healthy habits into our diet

lost weight

If a diet has been good for you, why quit? Many times we tend to gain weight because we maintain eating habits that are not only incorrect, but also unhealthy. You already know that the intake of fats, sweets or pre-made meals always leads to high cholesterol, hypertension and very dangerous diseases for our heart.

Thus, the most appropriate thing is that, in order not to regain the lost weight, we incorporate that diet that has been going well for us to our day to day, and this does not mean that at some point you can indulge yourself in eating a sweet  or a cake If you know that by going out for a walk then you can lower that caloric index.

Generally, when it comes to losing weight, it is always advisable to go to a nutritionist. Sometimes it can happen that certain foods feel bad for us, or that certain combinations are not good for us.

The first thing is, without a doubt, knowing how to listen and understand our body and, at the moment we find something that works for us, that takes care of our health and that makes us lose kilos, we integrate it forever into our day-to-day lives.

4. Routine changes

lost weight

It happens many times. One of the most frequent causes when it comes to regaining lost weight  is changing habits, or something happening in our life that causes us to store kilos again. Do you want some examples? Surely some of these aspects are not unknown to you.

  • You have just lost a few kilos but at work they change your schedule, with which, your lifestyle habits also change and, after a while, you gain weight again.
  • Having problems with your partner.
  • Begin to have more anxiety about problems at home, at work …
  • You have lost weight in the face of summer but, sometimes, the summer season makes us relax, go out more to bars, parties … And, consequently, we regain the lost weight.


In conclusion, diets are not something that is done on time. Diets must remain in time with the change in our lifestyle. In this way we will lose weight and we will not regain the lost weight. Finally, if in doubt, consult your doctor or nutritionist. In addition, we recommend that you expand the information by consulting the bibliography.

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