Plantain Peel Infusion: Effective Remedy For Constipation

If you suffer from constipation, it is convenient that you adopt a diet rich in fiber to stimulate intestinal transit, accompanied by a good consumption of water.

Plantain is an excellent remedy for constipation.  It has astringent, antioxidant, antibacterial, diuretic, laxative and emollient properties.

  • Treat conditions such as constipation, respiratory problems, and gastric injuries.
  • It also acts against kidney diseases, and is a good antimicrobial.

The elements that give it these properties are: glycosides, tannins, sulfur, oils and mucilage.

What is constipation?

Constipation is the difficulty of having a normal bowel movement.

When there is constipation, the stools usually cause pain and stools are made less than 3 times a week. Other symptoms of constipation include:

  • Hard stools
  • Excessive strain on stool.
  • Obstruction sensation in the anorectal area.
  • Sensation that there was no complete rectal disengagement.

These symptoms interfere with the quality of life of those who suffer from it, since constipation causes a feeling of heaviness.

By feeling so heavy or full, the person has reduced ability to perform various activities that can even be simple. The mood lowers due to the constant feeling of discomfort.

If you identified two or more of these symptoms, you probably suffer from constipation, so you need a good remedy to treat it.

Consider the plantain as your ally for the most effective constipation, we will tell you why.

what is the best remedy for constipation

Plantain mucilages, the main actors against constipation

Mucilages are soluble fibers, so they will help the intestine to carry out its tasks normally. This is because:

  • They help people feel full.
  • They stimulate bowel movements and also promote evacuation, which makes them perfect for fighting constipation.
  • In addition, they increase the volume of stool and protect the intestinal mucosa.

Drug therapies to treat constipation include drugs made from mucilage.

With plantain, you will have a natural and very inexpensive remedy for constipation, as stated in this study carried out by the Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (Iran).

This is a very easy plant to find in America and Europe, so you can find it in any herbalist.

Other foods or herbs rich in mucilage, apart from plantain, are:

  • Flax seeds.
  • Chia seeds.
  • Carob flour.
  • Celery.
  • Figs
  • Green beans.

According to this study,  carried out by the San Jorge Hospital (Huesca), low fiber diets and lack of physical exercise have a determining influence on the appearance of this disorder.

What is plantain peel and what are its benefits?

The plantain is a very versatile plant and each of its parts has a healing purpose.

  • The leaves are used to make poultices that treat inflammation and also insect bites.
  • Its infusion is good for treating respiratory diseases, as the previous study by Mashhad University assures.

For its part, the plantain peel is the one that covers the seeds of the plant and has beneficial properties for the digestive system.

  • Plantain peel is an excellent dewormer and laxative.
  • This is the part of the plant that you should use in case of constipation.
  • It will only take a small amount to see great results.

Upon entering the digestive system, the seeds absorb water and increase in size, which in turn causes the volume in the intestine to increase.

  • This facilitates intestinal transit and favors defecation.

Plantain peel remedy for constipation

The preparation for this remedy for constipation is very simple and will take only a few minutes.

So take note and get ready to get rid of this annoying discomfort.


  • 1 teaspoon of plantain seeds (5 g).
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml).
  • Honey (to taste)


  • Add the water to a pot and bring it to a boil.
  • When it boils, add the plantain seeds.
  • Let them boil for two minutes and turn off the heat.
  • With the help of a mortar crush the seeds and then let them rest.
  • Finally add the honey to sweeten it.
  • You can also mix the infusion with a citrus juice, if you wish.


  • It is advisable to take only two cups a day of this infusion since if it is consumed in larger doses this could be counterproductive and also cause diarrhea. You can consume it on an empty stomach and after lunch.
  • During the treatment days drink plenty of water.  The seeds will grow when they come into contact with your gut, and if there isn’t enough water in it, this could lead to problems.

Plantain: the remedy for constipation

Say goodbye to constipation with this natural option. In the same way, remember to consult your doctor in advance if it is advisable to consume plantain according to your characteristics and also your digestive function.

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