5 Simple, Healthy And Original Ways To Eat Oats

Oatmeal is one of the healthiest cereals we can find. It stands out especially for being a source of fiber, but the truth is that it can also provide several nutrients. For this reason, its regular consumption can contribute to health and well-being. Would you know how to eat oats in a simple, healthy and original way?

According to the report of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN): ”regarding the recipes in which oats are present, at breakfast it mainly appears in the form of breakfast cereals, cereal bars or bread, accompanied by a drink (milk, coffee, infusion or vegetable drinks). Also consumed as a food supplement ”.

There is a world beyond the typical porridge that is worth trying. Therefore, we invite you to read the ways to eat oats that we will propose below. You will love them!

5 ways to eat oatmeal different than usual

Eating oatmeal for breakfast: is it healthy?

1. A full breakfast, Swiss Birchermüesli style

As we have said, oatmeal is very energetic, so one of the best times to take it is in the morning. In this way we can  start the day with energy and not feel hungry until lunchtime. For this we propose you this complete breakfast.


  • 1 banana
  • 1 kiwi
  • Greek yogurt (to taste)
  • 1 square of dark chocolate
  • 2 tablespoons of rolled oats (20 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of mixed nuts or seeds (40 g)
  • Milk (animal or vegetable, whichever you prefer)
  • Optional: grapes, strawberries, figs, prunes, or other pieces of fruit


  • In a bowl, we put some mixed nuts or seeds.
  • On the nuts, we add 2 to 4 tablespoons of Greek yogurt.
  • Peel and cut the banana into thin slices and place them in the bowl along with the rest of the ingredients.
  • We spread the oatmeal all over the bowl and place the square of dark chocolate in the center.
  • We mix all the ingredients with the help of a spoon as we add a little milk (simply to moisten the mixture).
  • We serve and consume.

Note : the idea in this type of recipes is to use between 2 or 3 different types of fruits.

2. Oatmeal smoothie

A delicious oatmeal smoothie not only helps to satisfy your appetite and start the day with energy, but it also provides enough fiber to improve intestinal transit and thus avoid constipation.


  • Cocoa powder
  • 5 tablespoons of rolled oats (50 g)
  • 1 cup of oat milk (125 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla (2.5 ml)
  • Optional: blueberries, raspberries


  • Put all the ingredients in the blender. With the help of a spoon, stir a little inside the glass to facilitate the blending.
  • Process until homogenized.
  • Serve and consume.

Discover: Properties of cocoa

3. Vegetable creams

Oatmeal can be the ideal complement to vegetable creams, as it provides consistency and creaminess. Many use it to replace the potato, cheese or even the milk cream that is usually added in many recipes. So we will have a recipe that is also filling, but lighter.

We only have to add a tablespoon of rolled oats per person to the cooking of the vegetables and then we will process everything. We can also have the flakes already ground and thus we will add it to thicken a soup or cream at the moment without the need to beat it later.

A cream of pumpkin with carrots, a little oatmeal and a touch of olive oil, black pepper and salt is a perfect option for those days when we don’t want to cook, but we do want to eat something rich and balanced.

4. Battered, one of the most original ways to eat oats

Another of the most original and delicious ways to use oats is to take it to make batters. For this, we will only need some ground oats, instead of using breadcrumbs or flour. However, depending on the recipe – and our preferences – we can use oatmeal or leave the flakes whole. We can also combine it with various seeds -such as sesame or chia- to give it an even more original touch.

We can prepare some slices of baked aubergines battered with whole oat flakes. The same with the typical meat dumplings. Instead of breadcrumbs, a touch of flour and voila! The recipes will be juicy and crunchy at the same time, and much healthier. 

5. Milk and oatmeal cream

Oat grains and hand filling from a jug a glass with oat milk

With this recipe you will take oatmeal almost without realizing it . It is ideal for those who do not tolerate lactose or have difficulty digesting milk, for those who have skin problems. In fact, vegetable drinks replace milk without having to give up having a glass when we feel like it. In addition, they are prepared in the simplest way.


  • 1 glass of water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of rolled oats (10 g)
  • Honey or stevia (to taste)


  • Beat a tablespoon of rolled oats for a glass of water at room temperature. We will do it for at least a minute, until we see that the water turns white.
  • Strain well and sweeten to taste. We can drink it hot or cold, in the same way as cow’s milk, and we can also use it for cooking.
  • If we want to use it as heavy cream, we will only beat more oats and less water. Without a doubt, a lighter and healthier way of preparing our usual dishes, also giving them a different touch of flavor.

Did you know all these delicious ways to eat oatmeal? What are you waiting to try them and thus start to vary your menu? You will love them!

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