The Wheel Of Life As A Tool For Change

The wheel of life as a tool for change is a powerful exercise that we can turn to at any time, especially when we feel that something is not working well.

Today this wheel is used within the world of coaching or NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) by people who seek to introduce changes in their life. Through this technique we can enter into a deeper examination of our habits.

For example, a person may consider that everything is going well, including his emotional relationships, but that the same is not true with his finances.

Others will find that their relationships are unsatisfactory, but that they are doing very well at work. There are endless related possibilities.

In these cases, the wheel of life can be a way of analyzing why. What are those aspects that may be hurting others and how we should improve ourselves in this regard.

What is the wheel of life?

The wheel of life is a tool that allows us to bring balance into our own existence. Through it, we can identify areas where we need to improve.

Having a balance in life is necessary, because it is related to well-being. This is how this study carried out by the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru exposes it .

Thus, as its name suggests, this technique consists of drawing a circle and dividing it into sections – usually 8 or 10 – representing different vital aspects. Although these areas may vary depending on the circumstances we are living in, they are generally:

  • Health
  • Partner
  • Job
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Economy
  • Fun
  • Personal development

Each of them will be valued with a number from 1 to 10, which will vary according to the level of satisfaction with each part of the wheel. The 10 is translated as “happy” and the 1 as “unhappy or dissatisfied”.

Finally,  the points can be joined, as well as the divisions can be colored, so that we can more quickly visualize what our current state of life is like.

coaching exercises

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How can we rate each category of the wheel of life?

Next, we will give you a series of guiding questions so that you have an idea of ​​what number you can assign in this regard:

  • For the labor aspect, you can ask yourself the following:
  1. You enjoy what you do?
  2. Do you identify with the company you work for?
  3. Do you feel satisfaction in your workplace?
  4. Do you have opportunities to grow?
  • For the financial area you can ask yourself this:
  1. Do your earnings allow you to live as you want?
  2. Do you have the possibility of saving for your retirement time?
  3. Are you saving?
  • For the area of ​​the couple, the following should be asked:
  1. Do you have a couple?
  2. Do you feel love towards your partner?
  3. Do you feel that you are loved?
  4. Do you share interests with your partner?
  5. Do you have good privacy?
  • For the health area, you may wonder if:
  1. You feel good?
  2. Do you eat healthy?
  3. Do you practice any physical activity?
  4. Are you satisfied with your health?
  • As for the family, you can ask yourself this:
  1. Do you spend enough time with your family?
  2. Do you have good relationships with your relatives?
  3. Do you share quality time with your partner and children?
  4. Do you feel the support of your family group?

Remember that these questions are only to guide you. Through them or similar ones you can guide yourself to build your own wheel.

How to evaluate the wheel of life?

The cards are varied.

This wheel can be analyzed considering the assigned score. Thus, the points that are more located in the center are those in which the qualification is low and will require more work.

However, you shouldn’t feel bad about it, as human beings are not perfect. You should know that we all have aspects that we must focus on to be better people. Maintaining a flexible attitude on this will be key to getting the most out of the activity and preventing it from becoming stressful.

Life is a constant learning. When you observe your wheel you can reflect on your situation and begin to implement the necessary changes.

Get used to using this tool and, little by little, you will notice how it is easier for you to achieve your small goals. You just need some perseverance and patience.

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