10 Tricks You Can Apply To Keep Your Hands Beautiful And Young

Since hands need constant hydration, always try to carry a bottle of cream to apply a little after washing your hands, or every time you notice them very dry.

Having beautiful hands is not only a matter of genetics, but of good habits. Therefore, it is not enough to wash them before and after eating, or to keep nails short. You need to pay more attention to nail and skin care.

Hands are your letter of introduction to the world and also your main work tool. 

Since you get out of bed, your hands carry out endless activities that only end when you go to sleep.

Taking into account how important they are in daily life, below we share what care you should take into account to show off beautiful hands.

1. Keep them clean

Alternatives to sanitizing gel

Although it seems obvious, it is important to remember: to show off beautiful hands it is necessary to keep them clean (including your nails). This means that we must try to wash them regularly and always, with a product according to the type of skin.

Ideally, wash them with soap and water before and after eating, and always after having touched objects in public spaces (such as a hospital, the bus bar, etc.), or having carried out certain activities (such as cleaning the bathroom or have arranged the garden), but in case you cannot do it, you can choose to apply a little antibacterial gel.

2. Use moisturizer

Like many parts of the body, the hands need constant hydration to avoid dryness and cell damage.

Try to carry a good moisturizer with you to use when going out, after washing or at any time that is necessary.

3. Wear gloves to clean

Detergents and cleaning chemicals are harsh on the skin of your hands and can cause problems.

To avoid these consequences, it is best to use cleaning gloves every time you do household chores handling these items.

4. Avoid using hot water

Hot water tends to destroy the natural oils in the skin causing dryness and sagging. Try to wash them with warm or preferably cold water.

5. Don’t forget a manicure

Getting a manicure regularly will help you have beautiful hands. Not only will your nails be neat, free of cuticles and dead cells.

6. Wear gloves in winter

Person with winter gloves.

As simple as putting on gloves before going outside (or the streets, if you’re in town) during the winter can help you keep your hands beautiful for longer. By protecting them from the cold, you will prevent the skin from drying out, cracking and looking aged. 

7. Apply a refreshing mask

Sometimes putting your daily moisturizer in the refrigerator for a few hours and then applying it to your skin can be very pleasant. Especially in the summer, when the application of moisturizing creams and lotions on the skin is most often abandoned because “they are sticky”.

You can also prepare a cold homemade mask and apply it to your hands. A good mix is ​​the cucumber puree with coconut oil.

8. Apply a treatment to strengthen your nails

Sometimes you have healthy skin, but your nails look weak and bad looking. In those cases, it is convenient to start applying a treatment to strengthen your nails accordingly. Of course, this will always be reinforced if you maintain other habits, such as applying moisturizer to your hands every day or eating well.

You are interested in knowing: How to strengthen brittle nails

9. Get a regular exfoliation

A gentle exfoliation can also help remove dead skin cells and give skin vitality, including the hands.

To remove all these impurities, it is recommended to use a good exfoliating product, as directed by the dermatologist (especially if you suffer from sensitive skin or a specific skin condition).

Apply a small amount and rub it in with both hands, massaging gently so that it acts in depth.

10. Make your own homemade scrub

For beautiful hands, you can make and apply your own homemade scrub from time to time. Here we share a very simple recipe that may be useful to you.


  • Brown sugar.
  • Nutmeg powder.
  • Yogurt (required amount).


  • In a bowl, combine the brown sugar, the nutmeg.
  • Add the yogurt and stir with the help of a spoon to start forming a kind of paste with some lumps. 
  • Apply the scrub with a gentle massage.
  • Rinse with plenty of water, dry well, and apply your usual moisturizer.

As you can see, having beautiful hands is very easy. We just have to put some measures into practice.

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