5 Ideas To Reuse Cardboard Rolls In An Original Way

Once again, we bring you suggestions to recycle objects that you thought were useless. With a little imagination, they can once again be a part of your home. If you like crafts and spending time with your children, don’t miss the opportunity to take care of the planet while developing your manual dexterity (and that of the little ones).

Take a pencil and paper and write down these 5 original ideas to reuse cardboard rolls.

Original ideas with kitchen cardboard or paper rolls

Normally, when a roll of kitchen or toilet paper runs out, it is usually thrown away. This occurs because we do not know how to extend its useful life, although there are multiple alternatives in this regard.

These simple ideas will help you to add an original touch to your home and, in addition, to feel skilled. We can also carry it out with the little ones in the house.

  1. Original cable tie

You sure have a lot of household appliances. Sometimes so many loose cables can get in the way when walking or cleaning.  But why not use a simple cardboard roll to have them well protected? The most recommended would be the kitchen paper roll, since it is longer.  It can be decorated with attractive colored ribbons or papers using paper glue or clear tape so they don’t come loose. Very easy!

  1. Pots for vegetable cuttings


Cuttings are fragments of plants separated for reproduction.To start a new crop, it is always advisable to start in a small pot where the seed will develop for the first few weeks, until it is strong enough to be transferred to the garden. The method shown below can be used  for tomato,  lettuce and pepper seeds  .

Take a plastic tray and place a few cardboard rolls inside it (toilet paper, for example). Fill them with soil enriched with compost, very moist and loose. When the rolls are full, add the seeds. They will take a few weeks to come out, but when you see the cuttings appear, they can be transplanted to your garden.

  1. A fun organizer for kids


Here is an original and easy idea to store those small objects that children leave abandoned everywhere, in all corners of the house. You just need a nice wooden box and some imagination.

You must introduce all the toilet paper rolls that you can inside, until they are very close together. You will have a perfect hiding place for smaller toys.

  1. Organizer for beauty supplies


It is common to lose, from time to time, those small objects of beauty such as hair ties, hairpins, hooks … However, it will be easier to locate them if we opt for a practical cardboard roll. Find a nice paper with which to decorate it (wrapping paper, for example) or even if you are good at drawing, you can try to make your own design.

Once you have it, place it on a table or dresser and put your beauty items inside.

  1. Useful boxes with cardboard rolls


With the cardboard rolls that we no longer need, we can make original boxes to offer as gifts. They are also useful for storing jewelry, cosmetics, and hair items. They are very easy to do!

The first thing you have to do is lock the ends of the rolls, so that one allows you to put things in and the other supports them. To do this, follow the instructions in the drawing below.


Once achieved, it would have to be decorated. Cloths or paper can be used; buttons; colored ribbons and even pieces of wool. Everything will depend on your particular art (or that of your children, if in the end they have decided to help you).

In addition to being fun, these ideas are a highly recommended way to teach the little ones the task of recycling. The sooner they become aware of the environmental problem, the easier it will be to carry out measures. And if, in addition, they discover that they can make their own objects in such a beautiful and fun way, you will have achieved two really important goals.

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