8 Uses You Can Give To Old Clothes

If you have lots of old clothes and you don’t know what to do with them, pay attention to these different uses that will allow you to give your clothes a second life.

Maybe you did not know them until now but you will see that they can be very useful. Write them down!

Uses for old clothes

1. Put it in a container for used clothes

Tricks for old clothes

Surely around your area there are  containers to recover used clothes that belong to charitable and humanitarian organizations.

In addition, they represent an employment opportunity for people at risk of social exclusion who work on their selection and treatment, so do not hesitate and value putting your old clothes here.

Your clothes will serve the people most in need. It could also go on sale as second-hand clothing that serves, as we say, so that these entities can finance themselves and employ those most in need.

2. For a hostel

You can also take used clothes directly to social shelters. They will make the pertinent donation to people with difficulties or to non-profit social organizations.

Thus, they will be in charge of distributing it among the most needy people or reselling it at low prices that allow them to obtain funds for their social projects, as is the case with clothing containers.

3. Exchange it

This is especially useful for children’s clothing. And it is that, in many occasions, the problem is not the old clothes, but that the clothes are no longer worth to the members of our family. One possible solution is to exchange them.

You will be contributing to a more rational consumption and will allow you to sell clothes in good condition and obtain others in return.

This option can be done through markets or in innovative stores where, in exchange for a flat fee, it is possible to exchange clothes in an unlimited way.

There are also specialized websites. You just have to dive a little through the net and you will find endless possibilities.

4. Is there a fix?

Maybe clothes that you consider old can be fixed and still look good.

Mending clothes or looking for establishments that can make these small arrangements can help us save and rationalize our consumption more, with all that this entails.

5. Make up your closet


If you don’t want a garment because it is no longer in style, you should consider giving it a new style.

You can opt for various alternatives, such as:

  • Cut your pants and make new shorts out of them .
  • Put a patch or make an embroidery to your clothes.
  • Tighten your pants more.
  • Add buttons or other accessories.

There are countless options through websites that can give you an idea of ​​what is in fashion and how to adapt your clothes.

6. Make toys or cover books


You can also do different crafts with your old clothes.

To do this, you must let your imagination fly and not forget, for example, that you can use the socks and add buttons to make puppets and other fun characters that your children will love.

Another alternative is to cover the books. To do this, it is best to find clothes with colorful fabrics that you no longer want and stick them on the cover of your book, photo album or personal diary. You will give it a different touch.

7. To decorate


With old clothes you can get a different touch to your lamps:

  • To do this, you will have to use the fabric and a little glue to line the lampshade.
  • Cut the fabric to fit the screen, then glue buttons and a trim strip to it in another color for a touch of style.

You can also make a picture frame:

  • Get a cardboard or wood to act as a frame and line it with the fabric to give it a nice look.
  • You can also use the clothes to line an old frame that you want to renew and give it a new look.

8. Make a quilt


You can mix various patterns and make a quilt for your bed with the old clothes.

For this you must take into account the type of fabric because, the softer, the better. Remember that the fabric of some shirts is very soft and would be perfect as a bed cover.

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