A New Way To Treat Arthritis

This new way to treat arthritis will give chronic pain sufferers a break. In addition, it can be a first step in your healing

Inflammation of the bones is often attributed to old age. However, arthritis can appear at any time. In this way, symptoms such as chronic pain or the deformation of the bone structure accompany you from the moment it occurs, even if you are 20 years old.

When you suffer from this condition, it becomes difficult to lead a normal life, since chronic pain is very difficult to bear. So much so, that when it is very acute, there are patients who end up developing quite complex anxiety and depression.

This occurs because in addition to the physical consequences of arthritis, there are psychological consequences   Thus, the sick enter a feeling of loneliness that leads them to deep sadness. This situation is aggravated when you are aware that there is no cure.

Although a definitive solution has not yet been found, a new way to treat arthritis has been discovered that will reduce inflammation and improve the quality of life for people who live with it every day.

Queen Mary University finds a new way to treat arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis

The usual protocol when disease is discovered is to prescribe medication. At the same time, doctors recommend supplementing drugs with alternative therapies.

The most popular are homeopathy, meditation, the application of heat and cold, acupuncture or massage. All of them are palliative, but on rare occasions the pain disappears completely.

The team of scientists from the London University has taken a step forward with their new way of treating arthritis.  Until the presentation of their study, it was impossible to reach the cartilage where the problem lies. However, this group of researchers has paved the way for it.

It is achieved thanks to “microvesicles” that move through the cells until they reach the cartilage. The great vehicle, the microvesicles, are subcellular structures of a very small size.

Microvesicles are part of the membranes and contain a fluid. What is remarkable about them is that they are usually present in the leukocytes that accumulate in the joints of people diagnosed with arthritis.

In this sense, the white blood cells will transport  these microvesicles and their more than 300 proteins to the cartilage of the joints to protect it.

The new way of treating arthritis still has room for improvement

The novel therapy was tested in mice with great success. Despite this, the London team affirms that the opportunities that open with it are very numerous.

The next step would be to include other components, such as Omega 3, in the myrovesicles to enrich the coverage.

According to Stephen Simpson, director of the Arthritis Reasearch UK and co-author of the work, the discovery will lead us to design the most effective treatments we have ever had, and by far.

Advantages of the new treatment

On the other hand, it highlights the advantage of the convenience of its application. Patients will only need a day in the hospital for the transfusion.

Afterwards, they will be able to return home and continue with their life without any impediment. Meanwhile, the content introduced will rehabilitate the bone.

It is, therefore, a strategy that, in addition to avoiding the presence of constant pain, aims to repair the bones.




Therefore, we are facing a revolutionary innovation that  could set the stage for the creation of a curative solution. To achieve this, it is necessary to begin with the clinical trial in humans. The results are expected to be as positive as those obtained with rodents.

If expectations are met, we would be very close to eliminating a disease that affects millions of people and makes their lives difficult. This shows the benefits of investing in innovation and health.

The resources dedicated to this field are not only good for the sick, but in the long term, they mean savings for the health systems, given that it will be much easier to tackle and eradicate the ailments.

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