Foods Against Lung Inflammation

Do you know the foods against lung inflammation? Although many do not know it, there are a number of foods that have the ability to improve the symptoms of lung infections and, in turn, have a positive effect against inflammation.

For this reason, its consumption, together with the appropriate pharmacological treatment, may be interesting to alleviate the symptoms and improve the prognosis in these types of cases. We do not want to reduce the variety of your diet. However, it is positive to emphasize the intake of these products during the duration of the pathology.

What are the foods against lung inflammation?

Foods against lung inflammation have no curative effects or anything like that. However, due to their properties, they can be positive against inflammatory processes that affect these organs, especially in cases of infection. Let’s see the most recommended.

Cruciferous vegetables

Cauliflower, and especially broccoli, have the ability to reduce inflammatory markers according to scientific literature. For this reason, they are more than recommended foods when we talk about lung involvement.

They have in their composition substances called sulforaphanes that have this capacity, in addition, they contain vitamin C. The possible capacity to modulate the immune response is being studied on this vitamin, although no conclusive results exist today.

Cruciferous vegetables 


Another beneficial food when it comes to helping treat these types of ailments is garlic. Both its common varieties, such as black or aged, concentrate antioxidants that are able to help reduce inflammation.

This is supported by randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled scientific studies. For this reason, the use of this product is suggested in situations of this nature.

Among other things, garlic should be noted that garlic is a versatile ingredient that we can include in many recipes, improving their organoleptic properties.

Anyway, if what we want is to benefit from its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it is recommended to consume an aged garlic extract.

Turmeric helps against inflammation

Spices, in general, tend to have interesting properties for human health. In addition, they present antioxidants that are beneficial for the development of organic functions. However, among all the varieties, there is one that stands out for its anti-inflammatory capacity: turmeric.

The scientific literature reflects its possible use in lung-type diseases. Its properties are based on a substance known as curcumin,  which is nothing more than a yellow pigment that has the ability to modulate inflammation.

Such is the effect that has been shown in research, which is beginning to be studied in the sports population to reduce recovery times from an injury or to reduce the probability of muscle breakage.


Diet against lung inflammation: a preventive measure

In any case, the best idea is to bet on a diet focused on the prevention of this type of pathology. Based on this premise, the recommendation is to increase the consumption of fresh products and reduce the consumption of processed ones.

A basic aspect in the prevention of diseases and in the modulation of the immune response is the care of the microbiota. This acts as one of the first defensive barriers of the organism.

To stimulate its selective growth, we must not neglect the consumption of yogurts, fermented milk and fiber. In this way, we will enjoy a healthy microbiota and improve our immune function.

On the other hand, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of the consumption of fruits and vegetables in general. These foods contain antioxidant compounds essential for the fight against free radicals and the proper functioning of the body.

Finally, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of alcohol and toxic substances that can alter the physiological reactions of our body, making it more prone to contracting diseases.

To keep in mind!

There are foods whose consumption can improve the symptoms of lung infections. Its intake is indicated in this type of pathology, together with the corresponding pharmacological treatment.

However, carrying out a varied, healthy and balanced diet will allow us to enjoy a better state of health. These habits will increase our defenses against pathogenic organisms.

The practice of regular exercise is another factor that can be essential in reducing the possibility of getting sick, both in the short and long term.

In addition, it is totally advisable to abandon toxic habits and processed food. The latter is inflammatory due to its high content of omega 6 fatty acids and sugars, which could cancel out the effects of the aforementioned foods.

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