Hazelnut And Cinnamon Drink To Regulate Sugar

People who need to balance sugar naturally can turn to foods and supplements with regulatory properties. This is the case of nuts, spices, stevia or brewer’s yeast.

With some of these ingredients we can prepare a delicious hazelnut and cinnamon drink with healing properties. In this article we give you a recipe to make this drink that helps us regulate blood sugar levels and that we can take at any time of the day to sweeten the palate.

Food to prepare the drink

Next we highlight the ingredients that we are going to use to prepare this hazelnut drink.


A touch of hazelnut

Hazelnut is a dried fruit native to Asia that stands out both for its delicious flavor and for its beneficial properties for health.

It is an excellent source of healthy fats, vegetable protein and fiber, making it a very complete and balanced food.

Thanks to its high fiber content, hazelnut helps us regulate blood sugar levels. It is also a very effective remedy to combat anemia, hypertension and memory problems.

A handful of hazelnuts every day, or a glass of this drink, will make us feel full and full of energy throughout the day.


Cinnamon is not just any spice. Very appreciated in gastronomy, it allows us to give a touch of sweet and very aromatic flavor to all kinds of sweet recipes (custards, ice cream, cakes, cookies, smoothies) and salty (meats and stews).

On a medicinal level, cinnamon balances blood glucose levels, which is why it is highly appreciated among people suffering from diabetes. In addition, it improves circulation, promotes digestion, is a natural stimulant and aphrodisiac and provides heat to the body.

To benefit from all the flavor and healing virtues, we must always choose the Ceylon variety of cinnamon. It is the most expensive but also the most valued for its high quality.



Stevia is the sweetener that is in fashion, not only because it has zero calories, but also because it is the healthiest option when looking for an alternative to white sugar. 

Originally from Paraguay, stevia is also recognized for its ability to regulate blood sugar levels even in people with type II diabetes.

However, it is also famous for boosting defenses, improving teeth health, and slightly lowering high blood pressure levels. We can find stevia in different formats:

  • Pure: with a taste similar to licorice and dark in color.
  • Refined: transparent or white, tasteless but also without medicinal properties.

Beer yeast

Brewer’s yeast is a common supplement for those who want to take care of the health and appearance of their skin, hair and nails, as it is rich in vitamins and minerals.

It is also common to consume it to regulate the nervous system, so that we can prevent or treat cases of anxiety, depression or nervousness.

In this case, its chromium content is what gives us the virtue of regulating glucose, increasing insulin and facilitating the function of the pancreas.

For this reason it is known as vegetable insulin. Brewer’s yeast has a slightly bitter taste, but it will be hidden in this drink by the rest of the ingredients.

Hazelnut drink

Hazelnuts  hazelnut drink

Preparing this drink is simple and fast, and we can prepare it just when we want to drink it, hot or cold.


  • 1 cup of raw or roasted hazelnuts (150 g).
  • 1 liter of water.
  • One level tablespoon of Ceylon cinnamon powder (15 g).
  • A level tablespoon of brewer’s yeast (10 g).
  • Stevia to taste, to sweeten.


  • If we choose raw hazelnuts, we will have to soak them overnight. The next day we will rinse them well and throw the water away.
  • If we choose toast, we can skip this step.
  • We will beat the hazelnuts and the water for 3 minutes, until we obtain a white and creamy drink.
  • Add the cinnamon, brewer’s yeast and stevia and beat again for a few seconds to mix all the ingredients well.
  • We will strain the drink with the help of a fine strainer or, if we don’t have any, with the help of cheesecloth.

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