How To Detect The Lack Of Water In Your Body?

Lack of water in the body represents a health risk. Water is an essential element for life.

  • Most of the organisms on Earth have a composition of water to a greater or lesser extent.
  • In the case of people, water constitutes 60% of the body, that is, more than half of our body is water.

When the body lacks water and does not receive proper hydration, it deteriorates rapidly and can even lead to death. Next we will tell you in more detail what are the problems of lack of water in the body.

How long can a person live without drinking water?

Although for many it is difficult to believe, there are records of people who have survived up to 90 days without eating any food.

  • The same does not happen with the lack of water, those who have not drunk liquid have not been able to endure more than 5 days.
  • It is estimated that the life limit of a person who does not drink any amount of water or other liquid is 4 days.

    How much water should we drink daily?

    At a general level, experts have recommended consuming 2 liters of water a day, or 6 or 8 glasses. However, there is a method to know exactly how much water our body needs to stay hydrated.

    • It is said that it is advisable to drink one liter  of water for every 25 kilograms of weight.
    • This will help it to function optimally.

    How to know if our body is suffering from lack of water?

    On many occasions we believe that our body is well hydrated and that things are going well.

    However, there are certain symptoms that could be indicating that we are dehydrated. Therefore, it will be necessary for us to consume more water than usual.

    High temperatures, illness, or the accumulation of toxins can increase the risk of dehydration and trigger health problems that decrease the quality of life.

    Among the symptoms that indicate dehydration we can find:

    • Swollen eyes.
    • Dry mouth
    • Dark color and strong odor in urine.
    • Pain when urinating
    • Constant feeling of thirst.
    • Loss of elasticity of the skin.
    • Feeling of confusion and fatigue.
    • Increased risk of falls.
    • Urinary tract infections.
    • Kidney stone formation.
    • Spasms in the muscles of the body.
    • Difficulty breathing.
    • Constipation.
    • Headaches and migraine.
    • Dental problems.
    • Dry skin.
    • Hair loss.
    • Absence of tears when crying.
    • Decrease in the amount of urine.

    How to prevent dehydration?

    To prevent dehydration, it is key to consume at least 2 liters of water per day, or the recommended amount according to the weight of each person.

    Athletes should significantly increase their water intake depending on the type of exercise performed and the duration. It is necessary to replace fluids that are lost during physical routines.

    What to do if our body lacks water?

    If after knowing the symptoms of dehydration you identify that you have a lack of water, the ideal is that you begin to hydrate yourself.

    • You should consume the water moderately and slowly.
    • If you drink exaggerated amounts in one shot, it can have negative health effects.

    You can also provide water to the body through natural juices, juices, fruits and vegetables with high water content.

    When the symptoms are severe it is very important to see a doctor, since it will be necessary to perform hydration intravenously.

    What are the benefits of drinking water daily?

    In addition to providing adequate hydration to our body, daily water consumption brings more health benefits than you can imagine. Among these benefits we find:

    Contributes to weight loss

    Water is zero calories and can substitute for all kinds of sugar-rich soft drinks or juices. A good amount of water provides us with:

    • Feeling full.
    • Contributes to the elimination of toxins.
    • It also improves the rate of metabolism.

    Therefore, water consumption is essential in weight loss diets.

    Increase your energy

    • The consumption of water prevents dehydration and helps to maintain the necessary energy for the day to day. This is pointed out by this study published in  Nutrition Reviews. 

    Improves heart health

    Daily water consumption significantly reduces the risk of heart attack.

    • For people with a tendency to suffer seizures, water consumption is an inexpensive and also easy method to reduce the chances.

    Improves digestion

    The digestive system needs a good amount of water to carry out the digestion process.

    • Daily water consumption helps reduce heartburn and constipation problems.

    For healthy and youthful skin

    The consumption of water prevents premature aging and also all its signs on the skin.

    • Water helps maintain firmness and collagen in the skin, keeping it soft, radiant, and youthful.

    Since you know all the benefits of hydration, feel free to start increasing your daily water intake. Your skin and your health will thank you.

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