How To Make Homemade And Recycled Liquid Soap

Making a homemade and recycled liquid soap is very easy. Liquid soap has become one of the most popular cleaning products on the market, not only because it is very easy to use, but because its components make it easy to wash clothes.

Since it reached homes it has been very successful. Also, many prefer it over conventional powder detergent.

However, it is proven that many of its assets are highly polluting. Some  can cause allergies after contact with the skin.

Luckily, there are 100% natural formulas with which we can save money without exposing our health or the environment.

Thanks to the properties of some ingredients that we have at home, we can make a homemade and recycled liquid soap; in addition, ecological and free of aggressive compounds.

As we know that many are interested in learning how to prepare it, below we want to share the steps to make it at home.

You dare?

Homemade and recycled liquid soap

How to make homemade and recycled liquid soap

The recipe for this homemade and recycled liquid soap is quite interesting, not only because it leaves clothes impeccable but because it represents an excellent way to recycle used vegetable oil,  which no longer has a place in the kitchen.

We know that it is not recommended to dump these residues down the drain since, when they solidify, they can cause clogs and problems.

However, if we combine them with ingredients such as water and caustic soda, we can get a very good quality product.


  • (700 g) of caustic soda.
  • 2 liters of used vegetable oil.
  • 13 liters of water.
  • 2 liters of ecological liquid soap.
  • (500 g) of percarbonate (optional).


  • Gloves and protective glasses.
  • Large plastic bucket or bowl.
  • Wooden stick or mixer.

Instructions for preparation

Homemade soap

First of all, you must choose a ventilated place, which is easy to clean in case of any spillage of the product. Put on gloves and protective glasses to avoid accidents with the substances you are going to handle.

  • Add two liters of cold water to the bucket and, later, add the 700 grams of caustic soda little by little.
  • Stir with a wooden spoon or blender, avoiding breathing the vapors it gives off.
  • When the caustic soda is dissolved with the water, pour in the two liters of vegetable oil and continue stirring so that everything is uniform.
  • Make sure that the mixture acquires a homogeneous consistency and add the two liters of organic liquid soap.
  • If you like, you can add two liters of fabric softener to make it smell more pleasant.
  • You can also use scented essential oils to get the same effect.
  • You can then add the percarbonate to give it an extra whitening effect.
  • After achieving the desired consistency, put the product in a dark place and let it rest until the next day.
  • After 24 hours, stir the mixture with the wooden utensil, add another two liters of water and let it rest for another day.
  • After this time you will notice a thicker mixture, with a consistency similar to that of mayonnaise.
  • Add another two liters of water and repeat the same procedure every day, for about 6 or 8 days, until the product acquires a texture similar to that of shampoo.
  • At the end you can pack it and give it the desired use.

What are the advantages of this homemade and recycled liquid soap?


With this homemade liquid soap you will be saving a lot of money, since you will not have to invest in expensive brands on the market and, if that were not enough, you will be recycling old oils.

It is a perfect product to remove stains from clothes, since it does not damage fabrics and removes even the most difficult substances.

You will not be polluting the environment, because its components are biodegradable and free of harmful substances.

It is multipurpose, that is, it is also valid for cleaning floors, kitchens and other spaces in the home.

You will take care of your health and the beauty of your skin since you will not be exposed to the chemical additives that commercial soaps contain.

You can combine it in the washing machine with a cup of white vinegar to achieve a softening effect without the need to use conventional products.

Haven’t you tried it yet? We invite you to follow the preparation instructions so that you can see that you can make your own organic products without too much effort.

Collect the necessary materials and follow each of the recommendations given to obtain excellent results.

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