If I Change, Everything Changes: 5 Steps To Program Your Subconscious

When we name the word subconscious, we may soon associate it with the classical theories of psychoanalysis. Now, something that we should take into account is that, precisely, this part of the mind is the one that acts as the motor of many of our actions, reactions and interactions with everything that surrounds us.

For example, when we are introduced to a person, for example, it does not take us too long to make a very quick assessment of whether we like them or not. Also when we go down the stairs and stumble, we usually react to the second so as not to lose our balance.

There are many things that we do automatically, answers that we give without passing through the filter of a rational analysis. That is, there are many behaviors governed by the subconscious structure.

What if we told you that there is a way to get inside this private chest of the brain to get to know it better and control it? Achieving it would be a sensational way to act more correctly, to put aside fears, and thus be freer, fuller and happier people.

The Subconscious: The Mind’s Autopilot

Nothing in the unconscious is random or arbitrary. The unconscious houses the essence of everything lived, seen and felt. It is a kind of “disaster drawer” where the compass of our being and everything that has happened to us is guarded.

In turn, everything we have experienced leaves an emotional mark on us, depending on the way we have processed it. That will, for example, make us build certain more or less successful associations based on experienced facts:

  • People who look into my eyes are to be trusted because my mother looked at me like that.
  • Men who shy away from looking at you when you talk to them are dangerous, because my first boyfriend acted like that and he hurt me a lot.

Every event that we have been through leaves a mark on the unconscious. Thus, it is common for us to interpret reality according to that information that we have saved.

For its part, the unconscious is the one that allows us to give quick answers at times when there is no time to think things over. For example: “Should I say yes to this job offer? Is it recommended that I give my phone number to this new friend? Which way do I take, the one on the left or the one on the right?”

What use can we “program” the subconscious?

Woman who wants to program her subconscious.

Programming the subconscious is useful to know ourselves better, correct bad habits (stop smoking, be a little braver, stop being afraid to try this or that, not be so determined by the opinions of others …) and also to create a reality more adjusted to our wishes.

Programming the subconscious can help us become the person we really want to be.

Before programming the subconscious we must know what is in it

The idea is simple: no one can change the decoration of a house if they do not first know what is in that home. The most common is that there are dark rooms where light has not entered for a long time, spaces where fears and limiting thoughts hide that prevent us from being happy.

Therefore, it is vital to first know what problem areas are in the subconscious in order to heal them. To achieve this, we need to do the following.

Ways to connect with the subconscious

  • Attend to intuitions. Hunches are actually messages that the subconscious sends to the conscious mind. Therefore, they are information that gives us a clue about what is in it, about what it wants to tell us.
  • Keep a dream journal. Put a notebook next to the bedside table and write each dream on it. Do it as soon as you wake up, before oblivion takes it away. Later, analyze it and ask yourself what it can mean.
  • Practice meditation. Find a moment of calm in your day to spend in meditation. Even just half an hour, the question is being able to connect with you.
  • Paint mandalas. It is a way of focusing on the here and now to also connect with ourselves.
  • Write, keep a personal journal. Write in it your thoughts, your memories, your emotions … It is a way of creating a literary architecture where your essence is released and, in turn, part of your subconscious.

    5 steps to programming the subconscious

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    It is important that before we have worked well the previous step, self-knowledge. Only when we find our weaknesses can we begin the inner process of change.

    In turn, it is necessary to remember a key aspect: we must be constant. These exercises must be practiced daily and count on our patience. Changes don’t come in a week or a month.

    Take note now of what tasks you can carry out.

    1. Visualize

    Practice visualization every day. Imagine yourself inside a car. You are in control, you are in control and you know very well where to go.

    • You feel a relaxing wind on your face and, on the horizon, a serene sunrise appears that fills you with illusions and hopes.
    • At that point on the horizon are your goals and you go towards them safely and without fear. Nothing prevents you.

    2. Use positive suggestions that empower you

    Create phrases that are useful to you: I deserve to be happy and nothing will be able to do with me. The worst enemies are on my mind and I have already defeated them. Repeat these statements often, especially before bed.

    3. Live the “here and now”

    You must be connected with what is happening in the present. If you focus your attention on the past or the future, your subconscious will be betraying you, because it is in the here and now where all opportunities open.

    4. Do one thing at a time

    Avoid multitasking or multitasking . The stress generated by wanting to do a hundred things at once stands as an enemy of our inner peace.

    Learn to flow With everything you do in the present moment, this is where you should focus all your energy.

    5. Stop wandering thoughts

    You have one goal in mind: to be happy, to be yourself, to become the person you really want.

    Do you know who can prevent you from achieving it? You yourself with your wandering thoughts, I cannot because I failed in the past, I do not dare because, surely, I will end up disappointing someone.

    Avoid the erratic mind and let a safer, more mature and more powerful subconscious guide you wherever you want to go.

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