Keys To Relieve Constipation

Constipation means that the person who suffers from it does not go to the bathroom regularly enough (they may have just 3 or fewer bowel movements per week). In addition, the person may have the feeling that they do not have a complete bowel movement.

When constipation begins to cause other discomforts, such as: abdominal pain, nausea, fatigue, among others, it is essential to see a doctor for an evaluation. Do not wait until you feel very bad to discuss the problem with the professional and deal with the problem.

Fortunately, in many cases , constipation can be alleviated with a few simple changes in diet and other aspects of lifestyle.

Constipation? maybe you should improve your habits

To combat this annoyance, it is necessary to make changes in your lifestyle: hydrate yourself better throughout the day, consume more foods rich in fiber, exercise and other issues that we will discuss below.

Drink enough water

It is important to drink around 2 liters of water a day to prevent problems such as constipation. Hydration should preferably be carried out with water and natural drinks (such as homemade juices and smoothies, herbal teas, etc.). The following study relates the importance of a correct fluid intake to prevent constipation.

To know if you are well hydrated, you should observe your urine: if it is colorless or light yellow, you will be well hydrated.

Glass of water

Keep in mind that some homemade fruit juices (such as grape and plum juice) can help relieve constipation thanks to the high fiber content of these fruits. Fiber intake is another factor that has a negative correlation with constipation.

However, before opting for drinks, it is best to eat whole fruits, because in this way they preserve all the fiber and the rest of the nutrients. In this sense, try to consume between four and five servings of fruit and vegetables a day to avoid or combat constipation.


Consuming greens and vegetables is a way to increase the fiber in the diet and ingest all the healthy nutrients for the body.

Fruits and vegetables have properties that can be classified according to their colors.

In the variety is the spice. Opt for peas, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli … There is a wide variety of vegetables that we can consume to increase our daily fiber intake. In addition,  we will be incorporating other fundamental nutrients : proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, antioxidants, etc.

Whole grains to improve constipation

Whole grains are excellent sources of fiber, especially wheat, oats, and rye. In addition, you can add corn or buckwheat to foods that are made with these cereals, since they are very beneficial as long as they are whole and remain unprocessed.

However, people with an intolerance or allergy to gluten should avoid such foods as they can be harmful. Even other foods can have traces of gluten from cross contamination in factories. We recommend taking a good look at the packaging.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds

Consume nuts such as almonds, walnuts, pistachios … And seeds such as seeds pumpkin, chia seeds, sunflower and flax. They are also a good supply of vitamins and minerals, and healthy fatty acids.


It is highly recommended to integrate legumes into the diet to relieve constipation. In fact, we can read the report of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation where its healthy properties are specified. A good way to consume them would be to incorporate them a couple of times a week into our diet.

There are endless legumes. We have: lentils, soybeans, beans, beans, chickpeas, peas … Choose the ones you like the most. You can prepare all kinds of dishes, from a bean stew to a fresh chickpea salad.



These foods are high in probiotics. They are bacteria capable of colonizing the gastrointestinal tract producing multiple health benefits as the following article shows.

One of them is its ability to alleviate the processes of diarrhea or constipation. In addition, a healthy microbiota is related to reducing the probability of suffering from depressive diseases.

Follow the keys and consult your doctor to relieve constipation

Following these keys to alleviating constipation can be very beneficial, but remember that you will need to maintain an overall healthy lifestyle in order to reap the benefits. 

Remember that it is best to contact your doctor in case of doubts or any other concerns before making changes to your diet or any other aspect of your life. And once the professional indicates their guidelines, try to follow them.

In case of discomfort or pain, you should always consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet.

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