Medicinal Infusions To Combat Varicose Veins

Infusions made with medicinal plants can be an adjunct in the treatment of varicose veins. However, they are not a substitute for medical treatment. What are the options? Discover them!

When it comes to fighting varicose veins, it is important to consider that it is a problem that goes beyond aesthetics. Therefore, although some natural remedies can be tried, it is best to go to the doctor to learn about other therapeutic options  depending on the case.

A publication in the National Center for Biotechnology Information suggests that around 20% of all adults will get varicose veins at some point in their lives. Although the most affected are older adults, they can also occur in young people.

Can medicinal infusions help us? In popular culture they have been used as adjuvants against this problem. However, given the lack of evidence on their safety and efficacy, they are not a first-line treatment. Therefore, they should be used with caution, only as an adjunct to medical treatment.

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are twisted and enlarged veins that can cause pain, discomfort, and itching. According to information in the journal BMJ Clinical Evidence , they occur due to the malfunction of the valves in the veins and the decrease in the elasticity of the vein wall, which leads to an accumulation of blood and swelling.

Since they can be the symptom of circulatory problems, their review by the doctor is important. In fact, the professional can guide us on all the treatments available to address them. Although many natural methods help, there are currently interesting interventions that give good results in less time. 

Medicinal infusions to combat varicose veins

Through the Nursing Magazine (Barcelona, ​​Spain) it is noted that about 80% of adults suffer from problems such as tired legs, swelling, edema, cramps or varicose veins. Due to this, alternative solutions have always been sought for its treatment, such as medicinal plants.

Of course, it is an issue that still lacks scientific support, as the findings in this regard are not entirely conclusive. However, if the doctor agrees, they are remedies that can be used as a supplement. What are the best options?

Witch hazel

This medicinal plant with an exotic name is one of the best known natural remedies to treat and combat varicose veins. Although evidence is lacking, a study published in the Journal of Inflammation indicates that it has anti-inflammatory properties that are useful against this problem. 

In addition to its main property, benefits are also recognized to relieve hemorrhoids and diarrhea, thanks to its astringent principles. Any type of minor bleeding can be treated with the topical and oral use of this plant.

To make the witch hazel infusion, let the dry herb boil for three minutes and let it rest for another three, with the fire off.

Witch hazel to combat varicose veins

Horse chestnut

The circulatory properties of this plant are well known throughout the world, which is why it is included in many natural treatments to prevent varicose veins. Its components have the property of improving venous function and reducing the volume of the veins.

In fact, a systematic review published in the Cochrane Library concluded that its extracts are useful and safe in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency. Therefore, it could be a good complement against varicose veins.

To prepare this infusion to combat varicose veins, we will boil the dried plant for three minutes (the bark and fruit are used) and we will let it rest for another three minutes.


Cypress has been popularized as a vasoconstrictor remedy that has been consumed medicinally since ancient times. Its nuts have a high astringent power that could help to improve vein problems. However, evidence is lacking.

The infusion is made mainly with the galbules and, secondly, with the tender shoots and leaves.


Hazelnut is known for its delicious fruit. However, its leaves are rich in tannins and flavonoids. Thanks to these components with an antioxidant effect, they can be useful in the prevention of varicose veins.

And, as detailed in a study published in Phlebology, The Journal of Venous Disease , patients with varicose veins are affected by oxidative stress. Therefore, antioxidants are convenient.

Hazelnut to combat varicose veins

Red vine to combat varicose veins

The red vine stands out for its fruits, delicious flavor and multiple properties. Meanwhile, its leaves tone the veins while improving tired legs.

According to a study published in Drugs in R&D , the vine, which is rich in vitamins and tannins, improves capillary resistance and contributes to the treatment of venous insufficiency.

To prepare the infusion we must boil the dry leaf for ten minutes and let it rest for another five.

Other tips to combat varicose veins

At bedtime we can put a cushion under our legs to relieve and combat varicose veins

To complement the effects of these infusions, we can also put into practice a series of tips that help improve this condition. We detail them below.

  • Avoid hot water and, in the shower, always opt for warm or cold water, especially in the most affected areas.
  • In some cases, constipation can have a negative influence, as it causes congestion in the pelvic area that worsens circulation. We must, therefore, regulate intestinal function.
  • These medicinal plants can also be applied topically in the form of essential oils. They can be mixed with some vegetable oil as a base (almond, coconut, sesame, etc.).
  • It is essential to combat sedentary lifestyle. Every day we should exercise or walk at least one kilometer.
  • We must avoid excessive exposure to the sun.
  • At bedtime we can put a cushion under our legs.
  • We must not forget to drink between a liter and a half and two liters of water a day.  Outside of meals and in addition to infusions.
  • Being overweight is one of the factors that most aggravate varicose veins. We must always follow a balanced diet. Also, it is recommended to reduce food portions progressively so that the stomach adapts.


We can support the treatment of varicose veins with some medicinal plants. However, we must consult the doctor to find out other more effective therapeutic options. 

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