Myths About Meditation

Currently, there are many myths about meditation, although it is a widespread practice in the world, with benefits that almost no one doubts. The advantages that meditation brings are multiple, especially on a mental level; however, not everyone is clear about what it really consists of.

Those who begin to practice meditation regularly feel confused, due to the false beliefs that have spread like wildfire. Thus, there are those who think that they have to dress in a specific way to be able to meditate, that they cannot do it because of their religion, among others.

Therefore, today we will share with you the truths about this ancient practice  so that you can free yourself from all the myths that surround it. In addition, we review some of its main benefits.

What is meditation?

Organizations such as the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health point out that meditation is a practice that calms the mind and body , focusing on the physical, mental and spiritual health of a person. It is a discipline that can be practiced in various ways, but all are centered on the individual’s consciousness, stillness, and silence.

These elements are likely the ones that have caused so much confusion. That is why many people, instead of understanding what meditation itself is, just listen to rumors. However, it is a practice to learn from and enjoy its benefits.

Meditation benefits

Woman practicing meditation at home.

Research in this regard, such as that published in 2003 in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, has indicated that when meditating, activity in the left frontal lobe is increased, which is related to self-control, planning and the inhibition of negative emotions.

Also, it has been mentioned that the number of antibodies increases during this relaxing practice. In addition to this, meditating can also be helpful to:

  • Greater serenity.
  • Development of empathy.
  • Develop the skill of patience.
  • Develop emotional intelligence.
  • Relieve stress.
  • Decrease anxiety
  • Overcome depression.
  • Improve memory
  • Reduce blood pressure, among others.

Knowing what meditation is and what its benefits are, the next thing is to dispel all the myths that have been forged around this wonderful practice and begin to enjoy it.

Myths about meditation

The strangest and most common myths about meditation are as follows:

  • It is very difficult to meditate. This is false. Who initiates, could feel confused. However, you can start with the support of a meditation teacher to learn more about the techniques used.
  • The mind has to go blank. Of course not! It is more common than you think. Many believe that the mind should go blank, but this is not even possible, and trying only brings with it frustration. When meditating, the attention is fixed on an object, a mantra, the breath or another resource. Thus, calm is obtained, but the thoughts are never erased, much less the mind is clouded.
  • I must wear specific clothing. This is false. Although it seems strange, many people today believe it, but it is not like that. Many imagine Tibetan monks and believe that a similar garment should be worn. The only thing that is recommended to wear is comfortable clothes. Some meditate upon waking or sleeping, and do so in pajamas.
  • It takes a long time to get your benefits. Fake. The benefits of meditation appear even from your first practice. From the first session you can experience improvements. Over time, the practice brings more advantages, this is true, such as a stronger immune system, greater ability to concentrate, serenity, among others.
  • Meditating means escaping from reality. This is also false. Rather, a direct contact and attunement with the “I” is created, regardless of the surrounding circumstances. Conflicts are not evaded. Rather, meditation helps to solve them. When these are very complex, therapeutic accompaniment is recommended.

    More myths about meditation


    The above myths are the most common, but there are still more! Other myths that are also frequently heard are these:

    • It takes a long time. It’s false. Meditation can be done in just minutes. It is not necessary to dedicate long hours. A moment is enough to calm the mind and free the body of all the stresses of the day.
    • It is a religious practice. No. Anyone can apply it, regardless of their religious beliefs, since meditation helps reduce mental noise in a simple way to achieve well-being.
    • It requires intellectual efforts. Another myth. Anyone can do meditation, even the little ones. It also does not require that you adopt complicated or uncomfortable body postures.

      The important thing in meditation is to give value to the ” here and now” , avoiding the anxious state that thinking about the future generates. Those who begin to practice meditation often do so continuously because its benefits are real and can be experienced immediately.

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