Prepare The Skin For A Make-up With A Natural Finish

To achieve a make-up with a natural finish, it is important to previously use some products and accessories that protect the skin. We tell you in detail what they are.

To achieve a makeup with a natural finish, it is important to know how to prepare the skin in advance. This makes it possible to hide imperfections and, incidentally, helps to leave the skin smoother and more protected before applying cosmetic products. How should you do it?

It is not necessary to be an expert to put into practice a series of habits that allow you to leave your face radiant before makeup. It is enough to observe what needs you have and what are the most appropriate products in each case. Discover some tips.

Makeup with a natural finish: how should you prepare your skin?

To prepare the skin for a make-up with a natural finish, no special products are needed. While special foundations and creams are now available for this same purpose, you can actually use basic elements of your beauty routine. 

We simply have to pay attention to the peculiarities of the face: if it has excess oil production, flaking areas, pimples or enlarged pores, among other imperfections. Also check for allergies or presence of wrinkles. From then on, we can prepare it like this:


Without a doubt, proper cleaning is the first step to achieving a makeup with a natural finish. It does not matter if we have removed makeup the night before. Although we may not notice it, during the night the skin eliminates toxins and oil through the pores, which causes the need to clean it again.

What should you do?

  • First, choose a product suitable for your skin type (be it a soap or cleansing milk).
  • Subsequently, massage the product all over your face, focusing on problem areas (with blackheads or a lot of oil).
  • Remove residue with a damp cloth or warm water.
  • Finally, dry it without dragging the towel, with gentle strokes.


The use of exfoliating products should not be excessive, as their components could irritate the skin. However, it is convenient to use them once or twice a week, since they help to minimize the presence of blemishes. Its components deeply cleanse the pores and leave the skin smoother.

What should you do?

  • Rub an exfoliating product all over your face with gentle circular massages.
  • Let it act for 5 minutes, rinse and dry.
  • If you want, use a natural scrub. You can prepare it, for example, by combining honey and coarse sugar.

Facial tonic

Woman applying a cotton pad to her face

To show off a fresher face and make-up with a natural finish, nothing better than to complement the cleansing with the use of facial toner. Due to its properties, this product minimizes the shiny appearance of excess oil and enlarged pores. In addition, it tones and reduces flaccidity.

What should you do?

  • First, moisten a cotton pad or cloth with facial toner. You can replace this product with cucumber or rose water.
  • Then gently massage it all over your face.
  • Let it absorb well without rinsing.


Serum application has become popular with those who want long-lasting, natural-finish makeup. This product, which can be natural or conventional, contains nutrients that are adapted to the needs of each skin: fine lines, acne or blemishes, among others.

What should you do?

  • Take a few small drops of serum and rub it on the problem areas of the face.
  • Massage a few seconds, until it absorbs well.


To choose a good moisturizing product, it is essential to know how to identify the type of skin we have. This is because some creams contain more oil compounds than others, which can be harmful for those with oily skin.

What should you do?

  • First, take a small amount of moisturizer with your fingertips.
  • Then rub it all over your face with a light massage.
  • Avoid applying it in the area around the eyes, as this type of skin is thinner and requires other products.
  • Finally, wait about five minutes before continuing with the makeup.

Complements for a makeup with a natural finish

Woman with makeup on half face

The last thing you can take into account for a makeup with a natural finish are those accessories that allow you to leave the skin more uniform and smooth. We are talking about products such as primer, foundation and correctors, which facilitate the coverage of imperfections or redness.

It is essential that you apply them with a proper technique, since if there are lumps they can be quite unsightly. To facilitate this, it is convenient to use sponges or makeup brushes. They help to perfectly blend the product.

Finally you can use other products such as:

  • Compact and translucent powders
  • Eye shadows (natural shades)
  • Blush or blush
  • Illuminators
  • Eyeshadow, mascara and eyeliner
  • Lipstick or  lipstick

Still not applying these tips during your makeup routine? Keep it in mind now! Although it takes a little more time, it allows you to care for the skin and reflect a more natural style.

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