Remedies To Reduce Spots: 5 Alternatives

The appearance of spots on the skin is often considered an aesthetic problem. However, there are some natural remedies that could be helpful in mitigating them.

According to popular wisdom, there are several remedies to fade newer skin spots. These are made with natural ingredients and are very easy to prepare and apply at home.

Would you like to know what these remedies are and what benefits they can bring to your skin? In that case, we invite you to continue reading everything we have to tell you below. Do not miss it!

A little more about age spots

The appearance of spots on the skin after a certain age is a frequent cosmetic problem. According to Mayo Clinic experts, “they are common in adults over 50, but can appear in younger people if they spend a lot of time in the sun.”

Of course, this does not mean that age is the only factor to consider. Actually, senile spots or solar lentigines also appear from sun exposure, lack of daily skin care, the consumption of some medications and certain diseases.

5 remedies to reduce skin blemishes

In the popular sphere there are various remedies to reduce skin blemishes. However, below we will discuss the 5 most interesting (and common).

It should be noted that, although many of its effects are based on anecdotal data, some studies, such as this one published in Planta Medica , suggest that its ingredients may have positive effects on the skin, which could contribute in some way to coping with pigmentation cutaneous.

1. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar: remedies to reduce stains

It is believed that, thanks to its acetic acid content, the topical application of a little apple cider vinegar could minimize the darkening that forms in various areas of the skin.

At the moment, there is not enough scientific evidence to support it, so we recommend consulting with a healthcare professional to provide the appropriate guidance.

However, if you want to test it at your own risk, you can follow this procedure:

How to use?

  • To start, combine equal parts apple cider vinegar and water.
  • Subsequently, apply it on the stains and leave it to act for 5 minutes.
  • To finish, rinse with plenty of warm water.
  • Do this at night, never during the day.

2. Red onion

The extract of red onion (Allium cepa)  is part of some products to lighten skin blemishes and scars. According to research published in Natural Product Research , dry skin from this ingredient could help minimize skin pigmentation.

How to use?

The best way to take advantage of the onion is by using the creams that contain its extracts. Now, as an option, its dried peels can be used for a natural remedy.

Simply let the peels marinate in olive or coconut oil and use the product on the affected areas. You can apply it daily until you notice an improvement.

It may interest you: The benefits of onion for health

3. Remedies to reduce stains: the classic aloe vera

Aloe vera gel for heat allergy

In addition to being one of the most recommended natural ingredients to rehydrate the dermis and promote its regeneration, aloe vera stands out among the list of remedies to reduce blemishes.

Due to its antioxidant and aloin content, it is believed that its regular application could help delay skin aging and reduce excess pigmentation in certain areas, as this study published in the International Journal of PharmTech Research showed .

How to use?

  • First, extract the gel from an aloe vera leaf.
  • Then rub it on the stains before going to bed.
  • You can leave it to act without rinsing until the next morning.

    4. Black tea

    Due to its high concentration of antioxidant compounds, it is considered that black tea can be a good ally to take care of the skin. According to popular wisdom, its external use would help block the negative effects of free radicals and, in turn, could help smooth the appearance of dark spots.

    How to use?

    • First, add a tablespoon of black tea to a cup of boiling water.
    • Next, let it rest for about two hours. Then strain it.
    • When you’re ready, dip a cotton ball into the liquid and gently rub it over the stains.

    5. Tomato

    Tomato treatment to clean pores

    According to popular wisdom, a natural paste made with tomato can be useful to take care of the skin. Specifically, it is said that due to its high lycopene content, the tomato would provide a protective effect against damage caused by free radicals and the sun. And so this study published in the British Journal of Dermatology points out . In addition, it could help to tone the tissues and prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles.

    How to use?

    The benefits of tomato for the skin can be taken advantage of by direct consumption, preferably raw or combined with olive oil. Now, it can also be used as a mask, finely crushing the vegetable:

    • Apply it on problem areas of the skin and leave it on for about 20 minutes.
    • After this time, rinse with warm water and dry gently.

    About remedies to reduce blemishes

    In short, it is convenient that you keep in mind that the remedies to reduce the spots are not miraculous and can take a while to give results.

    Before starting to apply them to your skin, it is best to consult a dermatologist to avoid adverse reactions and to find out what are the best options for you and why.

    It is also good that you consult with him if you want to know other treatment options to combat age spots. Also seek professional care if you think the spots are associated with an underlying medical condition or medication use.

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