The 3 Best Natural Infusions To Strengthen The Pancreas

How do you usually take care of your pancreas? Do you think your current diet is good for him? Sometimes we commit excesses. It may even be that your stress level is also affecting your metabolism, since there are many factors that determine the health of this gland that is so important to our body.

A diseased or intoxicated pancreas usually leads to pancreatitis. This is where many of our basic functions are altered, we begin to feel severe abdominal pain, we have poor digestion and we even run the risk of suffering from diabetes. How about we start taking care of ourselves a little better?

Nothing better than to include these healthy infusions in your diet from today. You dare?

1. Dandelion infusion

You can find dandelion infusion already prepared in health food stores and specialized natural stores. It is one of those plants that should never be missing at home, since it is very effective. For example, for those times when we suffer from stomach pain, or when it is difficult for us to digest.

Dandelion is known, above all, as a great protector of the pancreas, gallbladder and liver. A study published in Molecules in 2017 determined that some components of  dandelion may be beneficial for liver function.  What it basically does is stimulate the secretion of bile and thus help the pancreas to perform its functions properly. Take note of how you should prepare your infusion.


  • A glass of water (200 ml).
  • 3 g of dried dandelion (or a simple infusion bag already prepared).
  • One teaspoon of honey (7.5 g).


  • It is a very simple infusion to prepare.
  • The first thing we will do is bring that glass of water to a boil in our kettle and, once it reaches a boil, we will add  the 3 grams of dandelion.
  • We will let it cook for 10-15 minutes, then turn off the heat and allow it to rest for another 5 minutes. Very easy.
  • We already have our dandelion infusion ready. Now we just have to strain the content and pour the infusion into our  favorite mug.
  • Remember to sweeten the infusion with a teaspoon of honey, and do not forget to have a cup every day 20 minutes after your lunch.

2. Medicinal and curative garlic infusion

We have already told you in our space about the great benefits of garlic tea. It is very rich in vitamins, minerals and a great promoter of heart health. However, one of the most important properties of garlic infusion is that it acts as a powerful natural antibiotic,  as this research published by Medical hypotheses points out. Therefore, it is perfect for treating any infection or inflammation you have in the pancreas.

In turn, you will be able to regulate blood sugar levels, which will be very good for your pancreas and your health in general. In this case, it would be recommended that you prepare this simple infusion every morning and take it on an empty stomach. How about we start tomorrow? Take note of what to do.


  • One garlic clove.
  • A glass of water (200 ml).
  • A little grated ginger (3 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (15 ml).
  • A tablespoon of honey (25 g).


  • We will start, as always, by heating that glass of water. Meanwhile, you can mince the garlic so that it cooks better. The next step is simple. When the water is boiling, add the garlic and ginger, letting it infuse  for 20 minutes.
  • After that time, turn off the heat and let it rest for another 5 minutes. Now you just have to strain all the content and bring it to your cup, to later add those 15 ml of lemon juice. Sweeten with honey and enjoy this healthy and delicious infusion.

    3. The benefits of cinnamon tea

    Cinnamon and Honey

    Delicious and wonderful! If you are passionate about cinnamon tea, you will be happy to know that it is an ally for the health of your pancreas. It is a medicinal spice capable of regulating blood sugar levels. And so this article published in 2003 by Diabetes care points out.

    Also, we must not forget the relationship between the pancreas and fat storage. When we eat badly or at a given moment we eat an excess, the pancreas is forced to secrete more insulin, which in turn leads to fat storage.

    However, if we get used to drinking cinnamon tea after meals, the blood glucose level is reduced, metabolism speeds up and, in turn, we improve our digestions, thus optimizing the general functioning of the pancreas. It’s fantastic!


    • 1 glass of water (200 ml).
    • 1 cinnamon stick (no more than 3 g).
    • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g).


    • It is very simple. We will start as usual by boiling that glass of water. Once it reaches a boil, add the cinnamon stick and that tablespoon of honey so that the cooking is done with these two ingredients together. In this way, we further enhance the benefits of this medicinal infusion.
    • Let it cook for 15 minutes, then allow it to rest for another 10. Next step? Very easy. Strain the content and take it to your favorite cup to drink this very hot infusion.
    • It is very appropriate to take it on an empty stomach, as soon as we get up, and for 5 days in a row. Rest a week and start over. You will see how it helps you feel better, regulate your weight and take care of your pancreas.

    Now that we know how we can take care of the pancreas, why not put it into practice? Any of the above options will make you feel great and the best thing is that it will maintain the health of this vital organ for the body.

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