Tips For Cleaning The Glass And Oven Door

L to the façade of the furnace always is to exposed in full view of locals and visitors. AND It is essential in our kitchen and its appearance can reflect the intensity of use. For that reason, their grooming and appearance is a task that we cannot neglect. We present you in this article some tricks to clean the glass and oven door that are   economical and practical.

Knowing them and carrying them out, we will surely be able to reach one of the aesthetic pleasures of culinary art : contemplate in the illuminated interior the advance of the plate. P ues p So that we can watch over the perfect evolution of the details, the glass of the furnace must be resplendent. So let’s take note.

How to clean the oven glass and door

The oven door and glass accumulate significant amounts of grease. If the layer is very thick, it can generate extra difficulties when it comes to maintenance.

To avoid it, it is better to do it regularly. But as much as if it has been a long time or if you use it frequently, certain natural products are successful.

1. Cleaning with vinegar

The antibacterial and disinfectant properties of vinegar make it the first choice for a natural and safe cleaning . White vinegar is a substitute for conventional chemicals used to disinfect and degrease.

Has been proved which, with a concentration of 4% and an action time of just 3 minutes, works with equal efficiency.

The procedure is the next:

  1. We prepare a solution of 3/4 parts of water for 1 of vinegar in a spray bottle or atomizer.
  2. We spray the surface of the glass and the oven door with the liquid.
  3. We let it work for 20 minutes and then we remove it with a damp cloth.

Although the vinegar smell disappears quickly, to make sure you do not have unpleasant aromas it is necessary to leave the oven door open for a few minutes while it evaporates.

Vinegar and baking soda for household cleaning.

2. Cleaning with baking soda

If we have to account for the dirt accumulated for a long time, the ideal option is the baking soda.  It is a powerful degreaser, descaler and does not cause any damage to surfaces.

A simple way to use it is the following:

  1. We put 1/2 cup of baking soda in a container and pour 2 tablespoons of warm water.  The mixture will take on a doughy consistency. Of course, the amount we prepare will depend on the surface that needs to be treated.
  2. We apply the product on the glass that we have previously cleaned with a cloth soaked in warm water. This procedure removes the less resistant fat.
  3. We leave the mixture in for 2 hours. After this time we remove it with a damp cloth.
  4. Once this is done, it is recommended to return to the water and vinegar spray to treat the excess bicarbonate that remains. Vinegar and baking soda They react by creating a foam that is easy to remove with a damp cloth.

To get to the adhering fat in difficult places, such as the grooves, we sprinkle the baking soda and leave it overnight. The next day, with the spray , the mixture of water and vinegar and a damp cloth, we remove it with the remains of the abrasive action.

3. Cleaning with commercial products

It can also happen that the dirt is so impregnated that it does not yield to natural solutions. So if we opt for the use of commercial products, we must check the labels to verify that they are designed for oven care.

If the product is contraindicated, it is possible to irreversibly damage the door or glass. Let’s also check the product’s user manual to find out how long the effect on the fat should last. Since if we use chemical agents, we must protect the floor with newspaper, ventilate the room, use gloves and, if possible , face mask.

To absorb the degreasing substance and the detached dirt, use a sponge soaked in warm water, rubbing the surfaces with relative force. We remove the remains with kitchen paper.

And as for toxic odors, we avoid them by turning the oven on at about 50 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes. Then we left the door open for an hour.

How to clean the inner glass?

Clean the oven to remove the grease.

When you start cleaning the interior glass, have the manual with the instructions for removing the door at hand. As it is a maneuver that must be performed with some frequency, it will surely be clearly described. Some ovens are designed so that we do not need to disassemble.

Let’s make sure that the oven is disconnected from the electricity and that it is slightly warm, so that the fat will be softer. Instead of committing everything to memory, let’s take photos of the position of the pieces. And since we are going to deal with sheets of tempered glass, previously we have an extended cloth to place the already detached door.

If the fat is very stuck it will take an r disgusting or something that does the same to scrape it off. When using a tool with this function, let us be careful not to scratch the surface. Once the strongest grease is detached, spray the mixture of water and vinegar, dry with a cloth and repeat as much as necessary.

If We are facing a major fat problem, let’s try the bicarbonate. We spread the water and bicarbonate paste over the fat and let it act for 2 hours. Then we remove it with a cloth moistened with water and vinegar.

After using, cleaning the glass and oven door is the key

Once we know that the most difficult thing is to loosen the dirt if we let it accumulate, it is preferable then that, at the end of baking, we hope it cools down to clean the oven glass and door . Just a cloth with water and vinegar would be enough to remove the greasy film from the recent activity.

After the cloth we take an absorbent paper and with movements of the hand in one direction we dry thoroughly. At the end, it is advisable to turn on the oven for about 10 minutes so that it dries and does not retain undesirable odors.

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