Tips To Eat More Fruits And Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the body. Therefore, it is extremely important to consume them daily.

It is not only children who do not want to eat “healthy”. Many adults shy away from vegetables or desserts that don’t have a lot of chocolate or cream. It is possible to take them on the right track, following these tips to eat more fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the body. They are also rich in fiber, water, and are low in fat.

The essential nutrients that fruits and vegetables contain make them essential foods. Its daily consumption contributes to a healthy diet and, therefore, to maintaining good physical health.

Hence, in the diet that the little ones must follow, the inclusion of fruits, vegetables and vegetables every day by the parents is essential.

Important data to take into account

  • According to studies conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), sufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables could save up to 1.7 million lives each year.
  • The insufficient intake of fruits and vegetables according to the WHO is one of the 10 main risk factors for mortality worldwide.
  • The same organization also estimates that insufficient intake of fruits and vegetables causes approximately 19% of gastrointestinal cancers, 31% of ischemic heart disease and 11% of strokes worldwide.

Excellent tricks to eat more fruits and vegetables:

Consume from the morning

If you are used to having coffee with milk and toast for breakfast, why don’t you think about consuming a rich yogurt with cereals and fruits and an orange juice? There is no doubt that it is an excellent way to start the day, with more energy and at the same time, healthier.

Put them in a visible place

If when you open the fridge the first thing you see is a chocolate cake because the apples are hidden in the drawers below, it is easier for us to tempt ourselves with the first. Make fruits and vegetables always in sight. A good way is to have a basket in the center of the table. At the first sign of appetite or anxiety, let’s run to this place.

Make juices and smoothies

It is an excellent way to consume fruits, especially in summer or for breakfast. If your children do not want to eat an apple, then make a juice with this fruit to accompany lunch or dinner. The shakes are perfect when they return from school or play, also after playing sports. They may or may not carry milk. The options are endless, and being so colorful, they will attract the attention of the little ones.

More salads

The garnish is just as important as the main ingredient. As it was said before, we should not simply stick with the typical tomato and lettuce or the potatoes (mashed or fried). Start making multi-colored salads, with various ingredients. So everyone can eat more, add fresh tuna or chicken pieces. The more variety of salads, the easier it will be for everyone to eat.

Wraps up

Instead of using bread or dough, prefer spinach or chard leaves. Cabbages or collards are also rich and provide many nutrients, such as vitamins A, C and K. In addition, you will be eliminating carbohydrates and flours from your diet.

Take advantage of the benefits of garlic

If your kids say broccoli is boring or they don’t like potatoes, turn to a kitchen savior: garlic. In addition to being very good at preventing and curing diseases, it gives a different taste to any food. Add a couple of chopped cloves to the pan with a drizzle of oil before sautéing the vegetables that are already cooked. A before and after for your dishes.

garlic to remove warts

Dip in chocolate

Fondue in winter or chocolate ice cream in summer. They are two options to eat more fruits. Melt the chocolate (bitter to make it healthier) and add strawberries, apples, bananas or whatever fruits you want to the saucepan.

Finally, we encourage you to try something new every week, it will be a wonderful experience for your palate and that of your whole family. Every time you go to buy vegetables, take the opportunity to get something that they have never tried yet. Search the Internet for a rich recipe to add and surprise everyone.

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