Two Chicken Involtini Recipes

We all know how healthy chicken meat is. Low in calories and fat, it is also a delight for the palate. This time we bring you two unbeatable chicken involtini recipes.

Have you tried the chicken involtini?

Involtini or wrapping are prepared where the breasts of the bird are used   stuffed with vegetables, cheeses and even fruits. It is a complete meal that you can accompany well with sautéed vegetables fresh salad or rice.

Do you dare to try them? Here you go:

Two chicken involtini recipes

Chicken, chard and ricotta involtini in pesto sauce

Drunk Chicken Ingredients

Drunk Chicken Ingredients


  • 4 supreme or chicken breasts
  • 1 and 1/2 cups of chopped chard
  • Two cloves of garlic
  • 1 cup of onion in feather cut
  • 150 grams of ricotta
  • Salt and pepper to taste

    For the sauce:

    • 1 bunch of fresh basil
    • 1/4 of cup of olive oil
    • 1 clove garlic
    • 50 grams of Parmesan or Pecorino cheese
    • 10 natural or toasted almonds (optional)
    • Salt and pepper to taste


    1. It cleans the supreme very well, removes any excess fat. Garnish them to your liking with minced salt, pepper, garlic and onion and a little lemon juice. Reserve them.
    2. Place a skillet over moderate heat with a tablespoon of oil or margarine. Sauté the onion together with the garlic.
    3. When the onion is blanched, add the clean chard and season with salt and pepper. Let this preparation rest for a few minutes.
    4. Then turn on the oven and preheat to 180 degrees.
    5. In a bowl,  mix the chard with the cheese
    6. It is time to place two spoons of the chard and ricotta cream on each of the supreme ones. Roll them into a spiral and seal the edges with a toothpick.
    7. Take them to the pan where you previously prepared the chard and seal them.
    8. On a greased tray, arrange the breasts and cook in the oven for about 20 minutes.
    9. To prepare the pesto sauce: Wash and dry the basil leaves and process them in the blender along with the rest of the sauce ingredients.
    10. Serve the supreme accompanied by this sauce. If you wish, you can sprinkle the sauce with sliced ​​almonds.
    • See also: 3 healthy recipes to cook chicken breast

    Chicken and Bacon Involtini with Prune Sauce

    stuffed chicken rolls

    stuffed chicken rolls


    • 4 supreme chicken
    • 10 slices of bacon
    • 100 grams of cream cheese
    • Oregano
    • Salt and pepper to taste
    • 75 grams of prunes
    • 1/2 cup of beef broth
    • 1/4 of cup of red wine
    • 1/2 cup onion or chives
    • A chilli or hot chili (moderate)


    1. Season the chicken supremes with oregano, salt and pepper.
    2. Sauté the bacon in a skillet over medium heat until golden brown.
    3. Spread the breasts with a little cream cheese and top with two or three slices of bacon. Roll up the breasts and secure with toothpicks.
    4. Spread a baking sheet with the oil left over from cooking the bacon.
    5. If necessary,  add a little more olive oil, add the onion, plums and chilli, chopped into small pieces. Top with the involtinis.
    6. Cook them in the oven at 180 degrees for 3 minutes. Add the meat broth and cook again for 8 minutes.
    7. Finally, add  the red wine  and cook in the oven for 5 more minutes.
    8. Take out of the oven.
    9. Deglaze the prune mix and  transfer to the processor.
    10. Serve the involtini with this sauce and a fresh lettuce salad.

    Do you want more? Try these: Assorted mini burger recipes

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